Twenty eight

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TW: one homophobic slur (in Italian)

One week later...

The team had arrived in Italy with smiles plastered on their faces. Over the years Sicily had become home to everyone. They grew fond of the people, the culture and the love everyone shared.

Stefania grew up in a small city called Catania and in that city, there was a small commune called belpasso. Belpasso carried many memories for the Italian. Everywhere she had turned there was a familiar face, whether it was a classmate or an old neighbour, everyone shared love that made the heart grow.

As the team arrived at Stefania's house, they were met by her dad. "Papa!" Stefania exclaimed, embracing her father in a warm hug. "Ciao principessa, com è stai?" Vincenzo replied. "Tutto bene" she responded as everyone stood behind her. "Papa you remember the team, this is our newest member Danielle" she added, introducing her girlfriend to her dad.

Vincenzo shook the blonde's hand with a big smile. "Danielle is also my girlfriend" Stefania spat out. His smile faded, quickly retracting his hand. "Tu disonori questa casa" Vincenzo spat out. "Ti prego, non essere scortese" Stefania raised her voice. Danielle looked at the ground. Cat saw the blonde get upset so she gently squeezed her arm to assure her it'll be okay.

"Se si venisse a sapere, la vergogna ricadrebbe sulla tua famiglia. È dovrebbe vergognarsi di se stessa" Vincenzo shouted. "I dont care papa. You're the one that should be ashamed of yourself for pushing your daughter away" Stefania yelled back.

"Forcia" Vincenzo scoffed at his daughter.

Everyone gasped. Even the English speakers knew what that meant. "Jason. Escort this man off my property immediately" Stefania said. "You're going to kick your own father out. Is that what I raised?" Vincenzo said stepping up to Stefania. "Baby please, I don't want to be the reason you fight with your father," Danielle said, placing her hand on the millionaire's arm.

Stefania took a deep breath, locking eyes with her girlfriend. "Signore, io amo sua figlia. What you said is to be fixed with her. It is already late, you can join us for dinner or leave. But no more disrespectful comments from you" Danielle spoke firmly, earning smiles from the team.

The team didn't wait for an answer from Stefania's father. They began making their way into the house, settling down after a long flight. "God we did not need that after a thirteen-hour flight" Cat spat out as they all sat around the table. Stefania sat at the head of the table with Danielle sitting to her left. "Are you okay?" Danielle whispered, placing her hand on the Italian's knee. "I'm so turned on by how you put him in his place" Stefania whispered back with a smirk, making the blonde giggle.

After dinner, everyone had gone into their designated rooms, while Stefania and Danielle went into the hot tub outside. "Man I can watch you in this swimsuit all day" the blonde spat out as they got into the hot tub. Stefania sat down and watched her girlfriend make her way over to her. "Hi Bella" she whispered as the blonde straddled her.

Stefania's hands began to travel up the blonde's thighs, stopping at her waistline. Danielle leaned forward, crashing their lips together in an intimate kiss. Before things got carried away, they heard rustling in the bushes by the garbage cans. Stefania quickly moved the blonde off her lap and turned around.

"Chiunque tu sia, fatti vedere" Stefania loudly spoke, using her body to shield her girlfriend. "Reach behind the hot tub, there's a gun. Grab it" the millionaire whispered. Danielle nodded quickly reaching behind and grabbing the gun, gently placing it in her girlfriend's hands.

Stefania was quick to arm the gun and point it at the bushes.

"Per favore. Per favore, non spararmi" a little girl squealed, coming out of the bushes with her hands up. Stefania quickly disarmed the gun, putting it down on the table before getting out and rushing over to her. "Its okay, vieni bambina, come ti chiami?" Stefania kneeled down, not wanting to scare the little girl.

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