Twenty three

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Slight TW: talk about abuse

Four days later...

The couple had spent the night at the millionaire's mansion. They had packed the night before, not wanting to forget anything. Stefania had woken up early and decided to leave her girlfriend asleep. Danielle was asleep on her stomach with one leg up, in a wall climbing position.

Stefania walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and get a head start on her day. Once she was done she wrapped a robe around her naked body before heading downstairs to make her girlfriend some breakfast, her famous french toast.

Danielle woke up, feeling the empty bed beside her, looking for her girlfriend, only to pout at her not being there. She rolled around to grab her phone, still laying on her stomach, but with her leg down. She checked a few messages and emails before she heard the door open.

"Buongiorno," Stefania said stepping onto the bed and dropping a light slap on the blonde's ass, making her giggle. "I'll never get over that sweet little giggle of yours" she added. "Good morning my love," Danielle said leaning in to kiss the Italian.

"What smells so good?" She asked. "I made us breakfast, I hope you like French toast," the millionaire said getting up to bring the tray over to the bed. "Baby this looks amazing" the blonde gasped. Stefania cut a small piece, sticking the fork into it and feeding her girlfriend.

"Mmm oh my god this is amazing," Danielle said with a mouth full of food. "You're wifey material" she added wiggling her eyebrows. The millionaire laughed taking a bite of food. Once the women were done having breakfast, Danielle asked "what time do we have to be there?". "At four, so we have some time to double-check what we need, or even just cuddle" Stefania replied, putting the tray on the dresser.

"Mmm cuddles sound so good right now," Danielle said as she stretched her arms out. The brunette hopped into bed, cuddling her girlfriend. "Baby, who's Tony?" The photographer asked. "He's my ex-fiancé" the Italian almost whispered against Danielle's chest.

"Wanna talk about what happened with him?" The blonde whispered back. "We were so in love, at least I was. He used to dance with me when I had no one to dance with. When we got engaged, he started changing, he started staying out at clubs, coming back in the mornings, he would yell at me if I didn't want to have sex, and he would even force it sometimes. I started hating him, I hated being around him. I hated the pain he put me through" Stefania said letting out a sigh she didn't know she was holding.

"One day, we had a really bad fight because he was touching me when I didn't want to be touched, so I snapped at him and that started a screaming match. He ended up hitting me badly that day. I was bleeding, bruised up, and I even had a black eye and a swollen lip. While Jessica was fixing me up, he had taken ten million dollars from my account and vanished. I never heard of him ever again, it's been four years since that happened" she added.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you baby," Danielle said kissing the top of her forehead. "Everything happens for a reason, this reason led me to you," the Italian said looking up at the blonde. "You are my sunshine" Stefania whispered, causing Danielle to lean in for a kiss.

"What happened with Andrew?" The millionaire asked. "We've known each other since we were kids and everything we did always felt right. Before we started dating I used to question my sexuality but kept it the hush-hush because I didn't want to be treated differently. One day we started dating because our parents pushed us to it. We kinda just went with the flow, didn't question it" Danielle spoke.

"Two years into our relationship he started drinking and because of that, I started to work late nights because I was working towards building my future and I didn't want to be around him. Barrett and I were getting closer, always hanging out together, that's when my realization started becoming a reality. I knew I liked girls, so when I came to break things off with Andrew, he smashed a beer bottle over my head. He started hitting me, he was drunk out of his mind and just kept hitting me. So I ran away. I stayed with Barrett, she became my home" Danielle rambled.

"Barrett and I never dated. We just were there for each other. She helped me get over him, she helped me find new muses. So I owe her a lot. She helped me through my rock bottom" she added. "I'm sorry Bambina, I should've popped that bullet in his ass" Stefania giggled. "No, because he would've won. You would've been in prison and I would've been alone again" Danielle said with a small sniffle. "I'm sorry my love. I'm never leaving you. I'll never do anything to hurt you. You're my forever" Stefania said cuddling into the blonde's side.

After a few hours of cuddling and talking about their pasts, the couple got up to get dressed so they can make their way to the airport. "Babe, have you seen my underwear? I could've sworn I put them here" Danielle said rummaging through the things on the ottoman. "Oh you mean these?" Stefania said with a smirk as pulled a black lacy thong from her pocket.

The blonde giggled as she slipped her pants on without her underwear. She wore a matching lilac jumpsuit with white converse. Stefania wore a matching forest green jumpsuit with brown converse. "Jason already loaded our bags into the car," Stefania said looking down at her phone. "I'm going to text the group chat to get everyone's ETA" she added.

Stefania: What's everyone's eta?

Cat: E.R. And I are on our way over.

Chandra: I'm two minutes out!

Jessica: I'm already in the airport because I had to secure our med kits and supplies :)

Jesse: got all the cameras and film Danielle asked for and I'm 5 minutes out.

Danielle: I'm here :))

Stefania looked up to see the blonde holding her phone but smiling up at the millionaire. "You're cute," Stefania said coming closer to the photographer and dropping a few kisses on her face, making her giggle.

"Ms. Spampinato, the team is here," Kaitlyn said through the intercoms. Stefania pulled away from Danielle before grabbing the laptop bag. "Andiamo Bambina," she said smacking her girlfriend's ass. Danielle grabbed her camera bag which had her passport.

The couple started walking towards the foyer seeing everyone standing around. "Alright everyone let's get this show on the road" Chandra yelled out. The team started loading their belongings into the shuttle, followed by taking a seat. Danielle sat beside Jesse and Cat. Stefania sat by the door which resulted in her being across from the blonde.

The millionaire had her laptop in her lap, typing away at some emails when she saw a message pop up from her girlfriend.

Danielle: I love you

Stefania smiled to herself then looked up to lock eyes with the blonde. She looked back down to her computer and typed out a reply.

Stefania: I love you more than life itself

Danielle smiled at the reply and then locked her phone. The team made small talk, but an interesting topic struck the blonde's attention. Jesse had started talking about how he was smitten with a certain redhead.

"Wait are we talking about Sarah?" Danielle asked, causing the blue-eyed man to blush. "Yeah, I like her" Jesse replied playing with his fingers. "Oh my god, you should go for it, she never shuts up about you" Danielle giggled.

"We're here" the driver shouted out. The team started shuffling around, grabbing their belongings and making their way out of the vehicle and onto the plane.


Hi babesss!!! I'm so drained from traveling, I have another chapter written out so I'll definitely post that later! I was in Amsterdam before getting to my final destination and I wanted to stay there so badly!

Shoutout to Becca bdelucabishop  for being this up, if anyone needs a safe abortion and can't access it because it is illegal in your state/country, please DM me and I'll help as much as I can <3

Anyways, I love every single one of you guys!!

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