Chapter 8:Heartbroken

Start from the beginning

"I hope you don't go to your room to cry like you always do," my dad asked as I turned to look at him with a shocked look on my face.

"How do you know that?" I asked with an embarrassed look on my face.

"I knew that was your habit whenever we had an argument," my dad replied, and my cheek turned red.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" my dad asked, looking at my mom, who had become silent since the time we started our conversation.

She was staring at me with a long look on her face, and I knew with no doubt that she wanted to say something to me. I knew what she wanted to say to me, and I'm not going to let her persuade me. She was going to tell me to go easy on him, not knowing what I had planned.

"You don't have to worry." I will let him leave the pack once he is back on his feet. "You don't need to talk me into anything," I said, and I could hear her gasp.

I knew that what I was going to do was going to cost me my happiness, but seeing him happy is enough. I'll not let my emotions get in my way anymore.

"How are you going to lead this pack?" my dad asked as he stared at me, and I could feel his eyes bore holes in my body. It was as if he could read through me.

"The fighting challenge that the pack members want to organize would do the trick, and not only the pack members are eligible to fight in the duel; others from another pack can join," I said, and my mom stared at me in shock.

"No, you don't have to do that," my mom pleaded with moisture in her eyes.

This was something she always does whenever she wants me to do something for her, but I'm not ready to fall for that. I'm not going to let her tears force me to do something I don't want to do. I have always cheerfully done everything she asked of me, but I'm not ready to do that now.

"I have made my decision, and moreover, he has a fiancé and will be getting married in a few months." I will only stop him from being happy if he is here in my pack. "He would be better off without me," I said with a gloomy voice.

It's a hard decision for me to make, but I'm ready to do that for his happiness, and there is no way I'm accepting him back.

"If he decides to stay here to be with me, I'll reject that; I'll send him away to his so-called fiance, whom he loves," I said, and they both looked at me with shock.

I knew that they were not expecting my last word, but I have said my words, and there won't be any going back. I won't go back on my words. I'll see to it.

"Mum, dad, it's already night time." You can both leave. "I'll take it from here; moreover, I'm the one responsible for this, and I have every right to right my wrongs," I said with a sad smile on my face.

"Good night, Erica," my dad said as he signaled for my mom to follow him.

I looked around the room with a sad smile plastered on my face. I knew what I was doing wouldn't make me happy, but I'm going to do everything in my power to make my partner happy. I don't want to be the reason why my friend is sad.

I carried a stool, and I sat on it. I want to watch him sleep, and I want to make sure he is okay. This is the only thing I can do for him now. The stool was close to his bed, and I felt my heart start beating rapidly as I stared at his face.
I fell asleep after a while with my head on the bed.


I woke up to the movement of things. I felt a movement in my hair. It was as if my hair were being ruffled by someone, and with that, I opened my eyes. I stood up suddenly, and soon

I stood up, and as I was raising my head, I felt my head hit something, and I heard a groan. All the incidents that happened came rushing into my head, and I looked around and noticed that I was still in the ward.

I was laying peacefully and more comfortably earlier on Jerome's lap. My eyes were round with shock.

PS:  please press the cute little star at the bottom of the chapters. It's the only thing that keeps us writers going. I'm begging please 🙏 🥹 I need the encouragement


Hi beautiful people, do you can follow my account for more updates cos I will be posting new chapters everyday. I am writing a Werewolf romance and Billionaire Romance called "RISE OF ATHENA" and "HIS PAID WIFE"

I will be more active her than ever. Like every day uploads. I really want to make new friends and meet wonderful people.
I love you all ❤️💕🥰

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