"It's now healed, so you shouldn't think too much about it," Victoria said as she sat down on one of the stools in the training ground.

The whole place is vacant because the time for practice is over and we are now in the evening. I knew that no one could come to this place right now, but still, I felt like someone might just walk in on us without announcing it, and I felt nervous.

"We need to talk," Victoria said, and I sighed heavily before nodding my head, urging her to continue.

"What have you done about your mate's issue?" she asked with a questioning look on her face.

"Nothing. Do you think I have time to be forcing myself on him? He had made it clear that he loved his fiancee, Mabel, or whatever she is called. I only brought him here to see if he would have a change of heart. You don't have to worry about him. "I planned on sending him off back to his pack after a week or so," I said as I stared at the sky.

A sick smile was plastered on my face. All I could do was think of what would happen next. I have always wanted to accept my partner, and seeing him in the first place, I wanted to accept him, but seeing the way he behaved, I still wanted him to be part of my life. He forced me to be as I was to other people to him. I was willing to show him what I'm capable of doing, but he made me show it.

I have never been hostile towards any of my close relatives unless needed, and seeing that he wasn't ready to accept me made me enraged. I wanted to make him mine the moment I saw him because I was attracted to him. He wanted me to reject him at all costs because he was in love with another woman. It hurt me to realize that, and I knew that the only way to hurt him was by taking him away from Mabel.

I knew that what I was doing was wrong, but I do not care about what people say. I myself knew that I wouldn't be able to release him because I had made it my priority to make him suffer and hurt like I did.

"We both know that you aren't releasing him soon, and all I'll say to you is that you should be lenient toward him because you might end up killing your mate in the end," she said, and she left me sitting in the training center.

I was sitting there wallowing in thoughts for minutes, but that was interrupted by Victoria, who ran toward me.

"Alpha, you need to come see this," I heard her say with a wavering voice.

"What is the problem?" I asked with a creased eyebrow, and she sighed impatiently.

"It's Jerome," she said, and I felt my heart stop beating instantly. I could feel my heart beating rapidly and heavily after a while. I could hear the sound of my own heartbeat. I could feel my whole body get sweaty all of a sudden.

I felt a gush of emotions wash through me, and I felt cold suddenly, but it was fine within a few seconds. I could feel the way the blood was being pumped in my heart.

"What happened to him?" I asked as I stood up while staring at her with a worried look plastered on my face.

"He is..." she was saying, but I cut her short.

"What happened to him?" Is he alright? "Tell me, Victoria," I demanded, and she sighed heavily while fidgeting with her fingers.

"He is sick, and your mom said she can't say if he will be able to survive it," she dropped the bombshell, and I stared at her with shock etched on my face.

I couldn't believe what she just said. I knew that throwing him in the cold room is cruel and wicked, but I was so angry that I ordered him to be thrown in there and not only that I let him stay in there for too long. I didn't think of what that could do to his BDUS system, but all I cared about at that time was making him pay for trying to escape.

I ran toward the hospital where my mother was working. She was the one I took Jerome to. I rushed into the ward, where I met my nurse operating on him.

"Mom, is he going to be okay?" I asked my mom, who didn't reply but only glared at me angrily.

"You are asking such a question when you are the one responsible for this." "I don't believe this is the person I raised you up to be," my mom said, and I looked at her angrily.

I couldn't believe she would say something like this. I couldn't believe she didn't trust me. She knew that I couldn't do a thing to him without a reason.

"Do you actually think that I'll keep quiet after what you just said?"

"You don't know anything about what just happened, and you are judging me already," I shouted angrily as I stared at my mom.

PS:  please press the cute little star at the bottom of the chapters. It's the only thing that keeps us writers going. I'm begging please 🙏 🥹 I need the encouragement


Hi beautiful people, do you can follow my account for more updates cos I will be posting new chapters everyday. I am writing a Werewolf romance and Billionaire Romance called "RISE OF ATHENA" and "HIS PAID WIFE"

I will be more active her than ever. Like every day uploads. I really want to make new friends and meet wonderful people.
I love you all ❤️💕🥰

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