Chapter Twenty | Cards on The Table

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My mind was overthinking the smallest of possibilities all the way to the police station

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My mind was overthinking the smallest of possibilities all the way to the police station. I didn't waste time and hopped into the car and followed the police cruisers. I knew Leah was hiding something but I didn't think that it could be police related, that she would be arrested and handcuffed.

I thought her fear of being seen or recognized was mainly linked to her problem with her mother and not with the law.

The drive was short in reality but with the overthinking that I was carrying with me, the drive seemed to be forever. All I could think about was Leah's sad face, and the tears in her eyes. I couldn't forget the stoic expression she had when we were in the car. She looked like a winter sky fell on her face and a wild ocean overtook her soul. I wanted to hug her and to take the pain away from her.

When we reached the police station, I hopped out of the car without even killing the engine. I ran to the station leaving the car's door open. My steps were blurred as the haze of the moment clouded my mind. I looked around the station, searching for Leah. She was booked and led inside. I tried to catch up with her but a police officer stopped me.

"Sir, that's my friend and I need to talk to her."

The officer pointed to the open area in the station, "You can wait there. You can't talk to your friend now."

"Can you please tell me what's going on? Why was she arrested?"

"Name?" The officer asked

"Leah! Her name is Leah."

"Leah, what?"

I tried to remember her last name. The moments from earlier came rushing back into my mind like a high tide.

"Lynn .. Leah Lynn. She just walked in."

The officer looked at his colleague and asked him to check what Leah was arrested for. After few clicks and a long torturing few mintues, the officer came back with answers.

"Your friend was arrested for property damage and aggravated assault." He said in an automatic tone

The words I heard reached me, however, my mind wasn't able to absorb their meaning. I looked at the officer, then I looked around me, searching for some clues.

"I don't understand... Leah can't... I mean what aggravated assault?" I mumbled in confusion

"I can't give you more information. You have to wait there, sir." he pointed at the open waiting area again.

"But ..." I tried to demand more information, but the officer interrupted me again and asked me to move to the waiting area.

I was in a race with my own thoughts. Part of me was wishing that I was there with Leah and the other was trying to comprehend the scope of these charges. Leah was no criminal. We have spent almost every day since I came here together and I have seen deep inside her soul. She wasn't a criminal. There was a reasonable explanation for everything.

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