Chapter Twelve | Megapetra Cliff

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Leah was right beside me

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Leah was right beside me. One of her arms was resting on my chest and her hair was all over the pillow. Her vanilla scent was filling the room. I closed my eyes again, inhaling slowly not wanting to disturb Leah.

Dreams could take many shapes and forms, and lately mine were all about waking up with Leah by my side, feeling her warm body on mine, and listening to the warm depth of her voice as she wakes me up.

"Good morning." Leah said hoarsely

I opened my eyes and looked at Leah. She was lying on her side now. She was watching me through her long lashes. My eyes roamed over her face before they settled on her eyes again.

"It's a good morning, indeed!" I replied with a smile.

Leah smiled at me, her honey eyes twinkling in the partially dim room. She extended her hand to reach my head. Her fingers combed through my disheveled hair.

"Your hair looked this wild when we were in the lighthouse." Leah whispered

I exhaled the breath I didn't know I was holding and reached my fingers to her thick dark brown hair. The soft strands run like a river between my fingers.

"Do you like it?" I whispered back

Leah nodded and she inched closer to me, the warmth of her body invading mine. Her head rested on my pillow next to my head. Her lips touched my ear like a feather. The warm depth of her voice sent goosebumps all over my body.

"Very much." She whispered, "Let's have an early morning swim."

Still entranced by her voice, my mind barely registered her suggestion. Leah moved away from me, getting out of bed. My heart raced as I watched move across the room in her short shorts and sports bar. Her sun kissed skin glowing in the early morning light. She was looking through her backpack.

"The cold water of the ocean will help you through all the heat." Leah teased her back still to me.

"Is this a new dare?" I asked her

With her bikini in her hand, Leah turned around to look at me with a grin on her face.

"Dares are never made on a whim, my friend." She said, "I do have a dare for you but this is not it. So, get your ass moving, we have an ocean to experience." She added as she walked to the bathroom.

I layed back on the bed, my head hitting the pillow. We got back home at around 11 pm after we picked the rest of Leah's stuff from the restaurant. Mr. Jackson talked to Leah in the privacy of his office at the back of the restaurant, then we left to drive home.

Craig and Kathy were happy to host Leah as well. Sam tried to get Leah alone again but when she turned him down again for the second time, he decided to join his best friends, Leo and Emilia, on the beach. I was in a state of bliss after witnessing that, not even seeing Mike and Jane was able to break my spirit.

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