Chapter 1

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Dear diary, it's been a while, hasn't it? I haven't written in this thing since I was eighteen. It's been what, like, two hundred and sixteen years? I found this old thing again when I was crowned king and decided to go through my old tower, I hid the entrance to it well enough that still nobody's been able to find it. I was going to write when I found this book again, but a lot's happened recently. I've been pretty busy with my duties as both a king and a father, Raziel is quite the handful. About a week after I was crowned I started dating Evelyn just to see what would happen, we didn't work out though so we broke up about a month later. I then went on a date with Noelle and to say that we had chemistry would be an understatement, we got married around two years later and then a few months down the line we had Raziel. He's nine now, Noelle and I have been preparing him to be the heir to the throne and he's been making a lot of progress, he does still have a lot to learn though. Being a father is much harder than I'd expected, however with my wife and sister-in-law helping out it isn't too bad. I still have time to have a few drinks with Edward every now and then, so I'd say life's pretty sweet right now. I also got a new hellhound puppy from my father, Raziel seems to like him so he's keeping him entertained at least, however my son is not aware that the puppy is a hellhound yet. I have not allowed him to visit hell just yet, I feel as though he is not quite ready. Speaking of hell, managing my time as both the king of Darkheart and the heir to the lust throne is quite difficult, not only am I the king of Darkheart but I am also a prince of the lust faction of hell, splitting my time equally between Darkheart and hell is not an easy task. I must tend to my royal duties now, farewell diary.

Lucien put the quill down and closed the book. He made his way down the crumbling spiral staircase and moved the painting at the entrance of his tower, moving it back once he had left the tower. He sighed and left his bedroom, navigating the maze-like halls of the castle until he arrived at the throne room, sitting on his throne once he had entered the room.

"Lucien, there is somebody here to see you. I would advise keeping your guard up around him." Albas stated.

"Bring him to me."

"Right away, your highness."

Albas left the room, returning a few moments later with a rather tall man following closely behind him. The man had long white hair and greyish-blue eyes. His facial features were long and sharp, and he was wearing what could only be described as the most luxurious pale blue suit Lucien had ever seen.

"I present to you, Lord Dredge Mastriano of The Kriluxean Empire."

Lucien glared at Dredge.

"Your highness, please hear me out." Dredge started, "I come in peace. My faction of The Kriluxean Empire has never once attacked Darkheart, unlike the leaders of the other two factions I wished to remain peaceful."

"So why're you here, Lord Dredge?"

"I am here because my position as the leader of the 3rd faction has been taken by a cruel and corrupt young lady. She is working with the other two leaders and is planning a large scale attack on Darkheart, I came to warn you and to help you devise a plan to prevent the attack."

"And why should I trust you? The Kriluxean Empire has been our greatest foe for centuries." Lucien said.

"Because I'm the only hope you've got."

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