"I can't wait to ride this baby out again", I said, rubbing my hands together.

"Your not the only one", he smirked.

"I know I'm not the only one!", I sang, same beat as the song, I'm Not The Only One by Sam Smith.

"Should we go to school early?", he asked.

"Sure, I'll tell mum first", I said, turning my bike off and going back inside.

I walked upstairs and into mum and dad's room.

"Mum, me and Tom are going to head to school early, we want time to put our books in our lockers", I whispered, opening the door slowly.

"Ok darl, you two be safe and have a fun day at school", she said, sitting up from her bed.

"Thanks mum, see ya, love you guys", I said, kissing them both on the cheek.

I walked out of their room and walked into my room to grab my backpack, that is now full of books and back outside. I walked downstairs and closed the door behind me. I returned back to the garage and grabbed my helmet from under the seat, leaving my bag on my back.

"Alright", I said, turning my bike on and driving to park the bike outside.

I waited for Tom to get on the driveway as well so that I could shut the garage door. Once Tom was out I closed the garage door and typed the code back in to lock it.

"Let's go", I said, getting on my bike and driving towards the road, Tom behind me.

I missed riding on this, same old feeling, having the wind blow across your body and zooming on the streets, best feeling ever. The school wasn't too far from our house probably only two minutes on our bikes. I parked into one of the motorbike parkings, Tom next to me. I took my helmet off and shook my hair so that it was down. I placed my helmet under the seat and turned my motorbike off. Already getting stares from people. Its not my fault, not sver girl rides motorbikes.

"Stares already Tom", I said, chuckling.

"Well it's not normal seeing a girl riding a motorbike, something new to these people, your too beautiful sis", he said, smirking.

"No no, your the handsome one here, look at those girls staring at you", I said, pointing at them.

Tom turned his head to where I was pointing and winked at them.

"Love sick puppies", I chuckled.

"For you", I smirked, winking.

"Let's go to our lockers, this bag is going to break my back", He said, over exaggerating.

"Alright", I said, walking alongside with him.

We walked towards the entrance of the school doors and walked down the hallway where there were rows of lockers, now we had no idea which one was ours so I think we gotta ask the office.

"Let's ask the office where our lockers are located", I said, looking up at Tom, he was 6ft and I was 5ft 7.

"Okay", he said, looking around. "There", he pointed.

We walked in and asked the lady at the desk.

"Hi we are new students here and we would like to ask where our lockers will be located and possibly our schedules", I said, smiling brightly.

"Well what are your names?", she asked, nicely if I may add.

"Kirsten and Tom Ellington", I said, smiling.

She typed on her computer and she smiled looking at the screen.

"Well your lockers are, on your left while you exit out of the office its the third one on the right, at the top for you and your brothers locker is on the right hand side opposite from your sisters", she said, all in one go. "And here are your schedules and also the keys to your lockers", she said, handing the peices of paper to us and the keys.

"Thank you very much", I said, thanking her, along with Tom grinning brightly.

"No problem kids, enjoy senior year and enjoy your first day here!", she said, waving as we walked out, waving back at her.

We walked towards our lockers and I opened it up, spacious and clean. I took my bag off and placed each book in the locker, all standing up straight. Yes I like to be neat and organized, don't mind me. I took a look at my schedule and I found out that I had English first, probably the only subject I was amazing at.

"Hey Tom, what do you have first?", I asked, turning to him.

"Biology", he said, taking a look at his schedule.

"Aw, we aren't in class together", I frowned, turning back to my locker and grabbing my English workbook and pen.

"You'll survive", he said, chuckling. I chuckled aswell.

I closed my locker shut and locked it up, I placed the keys in my pocket. I looked up to find a blonde haired girl in front of me.

"Hello", I said, smiling, "I'm Kirsten", I said, putting my hand out for a shake.

"Excuse me, have you washed your hands yet? I don't want to get germs or more importantly sick", she said, in a disgusted face.

"Hey leave her alone", I heard my brother say.

"Hey hottie, I'm Alyssa Stanford", she said, seductivley and putting her finger on his chest.

"Don't hottie me, don't treat my sister like that", he said, taking her finger away from his chest.

She scoffed and walked away.

"Already making enemies?", he asked, chuckling.

"Well she came up to me, I offered her a hello and a handshake but she brushed my kindness off", I said, shrugging.

"Well, stay away from the people who don't like you, or else their gonna get a piece of my fist", he said, patting my shoulder. "I'll see you after my class here at our lockers ok?", he said.

"Okay, have fun and focus", I said, smiling, patting his back as he walked off.

"You too sis, see ya!", he shouted back, waving and I waved back.

I took a look at my schedule and looked for the room I was in. Unfortunately, I'm have no idea where this room was. I'm going to have to ask someone. Maybe I'll even make a friend, one enemy is enough.


Another update 2 chapters in one day, woop! Enjoy reading!

Here is a picture of Alyssa.


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