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Episode 23 - Moolak

The Sorbonne is a building complex located in the Latin Quarter in the 5th arrondissement of Paris. Originally the University of Paris, it was split into several smaller universities and is now also the base of administration and management of these universities.

Place de la Sorbonne (Sorbonne Square) is the public area outside of the building. It contains the Monument of Auguste Comte, fountains, and several bookstores and cafés. This is also where the movie theater is located. The gang just came out of it.

Marinette: Ok, tho thought it was a good idea to go there and watch THAT?!

Alix: Oh come on, Marinette, it wasn't that bad!

Marinette: I think this is the last time I'll ever see that movie.

Kim: Will someone remind me why is she so pissed off?

Max: Well, for personal reasons we can't tell in public.

Zoé: Chill out, Marinette. 

Adrien: Why don't we just go get something to eat?

Nino: Sounds good!

The gang went to the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Since right now there was no one comming, Marinette went in to buy something for her friends. However someone pushed her off. It turned out to be Bob Rob.

Bob: Hey, you know it's not nice to cut the line, right miss?

Marinette: Excuse me?!

Tom: HEY! It's my daughter you're talking to! Besides, she and her friends came in first!

Bob: Oh come on! You forgot who I am? I can literaly call my friend, the Mayor, and tell him this is disrespect!

Zoé: Excuse me, Mister Bob Robber!

Bob: Yes, mis- HEY!!!

Zoé: I am literally the mayor's daughter! You don't want me to call him and tell me that you're disrespecting, not only my personal space, but a public space? Plus, arresing the bakery's owner daughter, right?!

Bob: WHAT?! Who do you thing you are?!

Zoé: I'm Zoé Bourgeois, and when you want to mess with my friends, you'll deal with me! Besides, I can be even worse than Chloe, if I want to!

Bob looked as everyone was against him. Specially after Zoé just mentioned the fact that she's the Mayor's daughter. The mayor adopted her, after Audry got arrested. Bob took off running. Zoé imediatly sent a mensage to her father.

Zoé: It feels weird. I stood up for my friends, but in Chloe's shoes!

Alya: Well, atleast you want to do good!

Pollen: You're really not like my previous holder, Zoé!

Zoé smilled. Marinette took a few croissants, some macaroons and cupcakes. They then went to the Liberty. Bob went back to Le Gran Paris. He wet straight to Jaged's room, to discuse about his next launching.

Bob: Ok, Jagged-

Jagged: Sure! It'll be my pleasure! Oh, hey Bob!

Bob looked slightlu surprised. Jagged was speaking with Helen Thorndyke. Helen backed of her scientist job, to beome a producer. She was staning up and managed to move withouth the chair wheels.

Bob: Uh, Jagged, who is this?

Jagged: Oh, my friend here? This is Helen, Thorndyke, one of Station Square's best producers! She and her husband moved to Paris yesterday, and she ofered me a contract!

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