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Episode 3: Golem

We enter the G.U.N. HQ, where our heroes were reviewing the events of the day. Marinette had returned, and Tikki was flying beside her.

Marinette: I used to be the one they call the girl who can fix anything. It was never my choice.

Espio: Pretty much the same for all superheroes. So, how did you gain your powers?

Marinette: I ended up meeting a man, who was about to get hit by a car. I was able to help him cross the street. Then, later in the day, I found a box that had the Bug Miraculous on it.

Knuckles: Wait, hold on! How could you help that man be related to the Miraculous?

Marinette: Well, at first I didn't know, but when I found the book that tells all the secrets about the Miraculous, I met him again. He was the guardian of the Miraculous.

Everyone: GASP!

Amy: So the guardian chose you?

Marinette: Yes. I was given this to fight Hawk Moth, the holder of the Butterfly Miraculous back then. It turned out to be a war that looked like it would never end.

Rouge: How did the Miraculous end up with Eggman? And how did you end up here?

Marinette: I was desperate! I couldn't continue with that eternal war. So I did what Master Fu, the Guardian of Miraculous, did back then. He gave up his title and passed it to a trustworthy holder.

Shadow: And that erased your memories, right?

Marinette: Yeah.

Tikki: But when Hawk Moth got all of the Miraculous and became Monarch, We lost control of everything!

Marinette: I then found something that said this. The guardian can give up the guardian, and split the Miraculous that are out of the box from their holders.

Sonic: But looks like Eggman found the Butterfly Miraculous.

Marinette: There are two more out there! We can't let the Pecaook and Cat Miraculous fall in his hands! Eggman does not know yet what my Miraculous and the Cat Miraculous can do together!

Blaze: What do you mean?

Marinette: When the holder of the two unifies their powers, he can make a wish. A wish that would change reality, and erase the past.

Silver: Wait, if that's true, then why don't WE use it? We could wish to put an end to so many things!

Maria: Wars, illness, and even that Monarch you talked about!

Marinette: Sigh... The universe must maintain its balance. This combines both powers of the Miraculous together. The Bug's power of Creation, and the Cat's power of Destruction.

Tikki: If we destroyed one evil with the wish, a new one would be created.

Sonic: So if Eggman wished to destroy me, someone else would replace me, and become a nuisance to him. (Marinette nods) We can't let Eggman get hold of the Cat Miraculous!

Metal Sonic: We gotta try and track it down. But we don't know how, though!

Chris: I'll come up with something eventually.

Hellen: Now here's the question that has me dead of curiosity. Sonic, what happened to you?

Amy: Yeah! You vanished out of nowhere, for one year! You better have a clever explanation, or my Piko Piko Hammer will be the first to give you a welcome-back present!

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