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Episode 04 - Collector

A week has gone by since Eggman turned into the Masked Moth. Ladybug became almost as popular as Sonic himself. Sonic and Amy were in the SS Central Station. Today was the day to reintroduce the Alliance to the world. The rings were finished, and both Sonic and Amy were wearing one each.

 The rings were finished, and both Sonic and Amy were wearing one each

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Sonic: So, Mr. Agrest and Ms. Tsurugi should be here in a few minutes.

Amy: I'm surprised that w get to model these rings! Thank you for agreeing with doing this, Sonic!

Sonic: Yeah... Agree.

They had to wait for 2 more minutes, but Gabriel Agrest and Tomoe Tsurugi arrived. They got out of the station and went to Sonic and Amy.

Sonic: Good morning, Mr. Agrest, and Ms. Tsurugi. Welcome to Station Square! I'm Sonic Casterwill!

Amy: I'm Amy Rose! We'll be assisting you in the Alliance business for these two weeks.

Gabriel: Thank you for having us over, agents. And I'm sorry for bothering you.

Sonic: It's no big deal, sir! Let's go. My car is right here. We'll take you to the S.S. Resort, where the presentation will happen.

The four of them went to the Speed Star. Sonic started the ignition, and they went to the resort. Back inside Marinette's apartment, Marinette is reading a magazine.

Marinette: Mr. Agrest is coming here! 

Tikki: It's awesome, isn't it?

Marinette: It is! (doorbell) I'm coming! (goes open the door, it's Rouge and Maria) Rouge, Maria!

Maria: Hello, Marinette!

Rouge: How are you doing after this week?

Marinette: So far I'm doing good, even though I miss my parents!

Rouge: Don't you think they're worried about you?

Marinette: Worried sick! But what do I tell them? I can't tell anything to anyone in Paris! Not even to Alya...

Rouge. Who's Alya?

Tikki: Marinette's BFF! And the first one to know her second persona.

Maria: So you had a right-hand woman in that traumatic life?

Marinette: Yeah. We had no secrets between each other. She was there when I needed her!

Tikki: It was so much easy for Marinette to reveal everything to her! Even when she lost all of the Miraculous to Monarch, Alya would help her overcome it!

Rouge: Well, now there's no more Monarch! But what happened to the Miracle Box?

Marinette: It should be with Alya since I passed the guardian title to her.

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