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Episode 16 - Lighteye

We move to the Roue de Paris. Seems like Rose and Juleka decided to take an evening for themselves. We can see both of them looking outside to see the sunset.

Rose: Wow, it's so beautifull from up here!

Juleka: Took you long enough to get courage to accept my invitation.

Rose: You know my illness wouldn't allow me to come here! However, it seems that it has calmed down! Finally, we can hang out peacefully!

Rose simply went to rest her head on Jukela's shoulder. Juleka pulled her girlfriend close to her. The two of them enjoyed the sunset. Meanwhile, Sonic and Shadow were looking through the city to find any clue on the Cat Miraculous.

Shadow: Got anything?

Sonic: Nothing! Any luck on your side?

Shadow: Nope. Doesn't look like the Cat Miraculous is around here.

Sonic: We still got a lot of city to cover. Let's regroup on the hotel, and review the intel we got on the Cat Miraculous.

Shadow: Roger.

The two of them jumped through the roofs,bck to the hotel. We now see Zoé and Aurore on a line right at the entrance of the movies.

Zoé: You're seroious?

Aurore: Yep. I gave up my carrear as Miss Weather Girl!

Zoé: I don't get it! Why would you give up the carrer you worked so hard to achive?

Aurore: Well, the truth is that the Miss Weather Girl thing was another thing that would make me popular. But now that I don't have to bet on the social media to be known, I rather go to the movies with you and the others!

Zoé: Hehehehehehe! I never thought I'd meet this side of you! So, is this the real Aurore Beauréal?

Aurore: Yep! This is the real me!

Zoé: Well, then, I'm Zoé Lee, nice to meet you, Aurore! 

The two of them staarted laughing. That's when Aurore noticed the bee shaped hair comb that was holding Zoé's braid.

Aurore: Buy the way, I love the hair comb!

Zoé: Oh, this little friend of mine? I found it on Station Square! It's was just so unique!

Aurore: You... found it?

Zoé: Urgh, ok, you got me. Marinette gave it to me.

Aurore: Hehehehehe! You two sure get along well! Just don't steal Alya's spot!

Zoé: What do you mean? Marinette's a sister to me! One that Chloe never was.

Aurore: Urgh! Not to be rude or anything, but I really hated Chloe!

Zoé: Yeah... Still, I wished things worked out in another way...

Aurore: Hey, Sea Breeze, raise that head of yours, and don't let the past keep you from being yourself!

Zoé was slightly surprised with the nickname that Aurore just gave her. She blushed slightly, but smilled. The two of them then went inside, as the line was starting to move. Back with Juleka, the girl returned to Liberty, where Luka was waiting for her.

Luka: Sounds like you were having fun, today. But, Jules, where did you go?

Juleka: Oh, did I forget to tell you? I went with Rose to the Roue de Paris!

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