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Episode 13 - Infinite

It's currently 9 PM, and there's a special exibition going on in Station Square. The museum is currently full of people for a special exibition. Seems like they decided to make a room for exibition for all the ancient jewells that were seen in the past, like the Chaos Emeralds, the Phantom Ruby, etc.

Sonic: They didn't miss a single detail. Even the Phantom Ruby looks like the original!

Amy: I know! The press sure is going to be busy with this!

There were lots of press there. Since Alya was going to be there to get a view of how the SSTV works, Scarlet invited her to be part of this, so that the young girl could have front row seets on the entire scene. 

Alya: This is amazing!

Scarlet: We'll be online in thirty seconds! Keep it cool.

Alya noded. Seems like everyone on the city was there. However, Marinette chose not to go, and stayed back in the appartment. Zoé was there. Two of Chris' friends, Helen and Frances.

Zoé: It's weird. Why did Marinette want to stay behind?

Helen: Something must have arrived! 

Frances: She's always so busy! Can't she take some time off?

Zoé: I'd like to say she could, but it's up to her to say when she's free.

However, Marinette lied about being in her appartment. She was transformed as Ladybug and was doing some extra patroling on the city. She felt a little down.

Ladybug: Had I not given the Dog Miraculous to Felix, non of this would be happenig. And even after I splited him from the Peacock Miraculous, Shadow Moth got it and the Butterfly Miraculous as well!

Ladybug calmed down, but was still depressed. She jumped to another building and kept patrouling the city. However her negative emotions were caught by Shadow Moth. The window of his lair opened.

Shadow Moth: Yes, it's just as I expected! Soon, Ladybug will become my ultimate Masterpiece! Now, who should I send to trigger that despair inside you?

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Shadow Moth: Yes, it's just as I expected! Soon, Ladybug will become my ultimate Masterpiece! Now, who should I send to trigger that despair inside you?

Shadow Moth's plan was set in motion. However, in order for it to work, he first had to create a Super Vilan that would let him trigger her emotions. 


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