Chapter 57 - Heart Broken Catstrohpe Part 2

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Preston and I looked at each other with curious eyes. Are we in trouble? Every time someone gets called to the Principal's office it's always a bad thing. Good god did Mitch put gum in the superintendents hair again?! Last time that happened he made the whole pack give him a new hair cut. He doesn't even have hair!

We walked to the Principal's office, seeing everyone standing outside of the office.

"Mitch you better not have put gum in the superintendents hair again! I am not sweeping twenty locks of dead hair of the ground for five hours again!" Vikk shot Mitch a jag filled look and sat in one of the chairs.

"What No, man who pulls the same joke twice?" Jerome went up to the door and softly knuckled on the door.

"Let's just go inside and see what's up. Maybe one of us won the lottery or something."

Jerome opened the door and everyone followed behind him. Man who gets called to the principles office on their birthday? Talk about bad luck.

The Principals office had a mahogany and velvet theme throughout the room. The desk had fancy gold embroidery on each end and the curtains were a wine velvet color. The ground had dark carpet with a wine velvet rug, to match with the curtains.

"Come on in boys!"

Everyone walked in and waited for the principal to talk.

"I should probably introduce myself. Come on out Brandon!"

All of a sudden Brandon popped out from under the principal's desk. Holy fuck what was he doing down there?!

"Hey guys, so um this is my mom."

"Sup boys, call me Mrs.Mandy or Mandy either is cool."

Brandon stood up stretched out his back.

"So as a birthday gift to Rob and as a gift to all of you, my mom let all of us get out early!"

Preston walked closer up Brandon and looked back at Mrs.Mandy.

"Wow really? Thanks dude!"

"Yeah, no worries. I just wanted to show my gratitude to you guys. Ever since I met all of you my life has gotten way better. At my old school I didn't really have friends because of the things I liked and everything. Actually I was kinda bullied so um thank you everyone for not treating me like the scum on your shoe."

Matt went up the Brandon and pinched his cheeks. Bullying is so stupid, Why would someone do that to someone else? How can a person make someone feel so low, do they no not of humanity?

"Awe, it's okay dude. You're one of us now. We won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

Nooch pulled Brandon towards everyone and gave him a big old hug. Everyone joined in on the hug and it ended up in a huge group hug. Hugs are love, hugs are life. They make they world go round after all.

"I fan!" What? I leaned my head up to see Mrs.Mandy taking photos on her phone.

"Um Mrs?"

"SHH Go back to hugging! I'm going to use this later!" The fuck, eh I'm not going to question it. I have gotten weirder things in my Youtube comment sections before. I went back to hugging the boys.

After a couple of minutes the group hug was interrupted by a series of three dings.

Everyone pulled away from the hug and thanked Mrs.Mandy for the day off.

"Hey Rob, I'm going to go home and get a video or two out. I'll see you at the party babe!" Preston pecked my cheek and making his way home. Oh shoot I should probably get home and get a video out too.

I said temporary good byes to everyone and walked out of the school building. Slow traffic was filling up the roads as I started walking home. Maybe I should upload Factions today, or maybe Hunger Games. Eh, I'll probably end up doing both.

I know Lachlan said to not worry about any details of the party but I can't help it. Will there be enough snacks? Wait, really Rob? Snacks? How old are you twelve? Well I think Lachlan said something about firing a turnt caterer, whatever turnt means.

Lachlan's party are legendary so, hopefully this party will be too. A cold bitter hand covered my mouth and nose. What the? Whats happening!? Unconsciousness flooded my mind as I felt my body go limp and my mind shut down.

A/N: Okay so this is either going to be a 3 Part thing or a 4 Part thing It all depends on my exams really. Hmmm I wonder what happened to Rob?

(P.S: Trust me, whatever you think Is going to happen it's going to be way worse. )


A Thing Called Love (Poofless)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें