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The day has finally arrived: The Poe Cup

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The day has finally arrived: The Poe Cup. 

 Surprisingly, Enid is calm, even though she has been nervous all week, and for that I salute her. Ever since Wednesday and her came up with a brilliant plan to win, Enid's been on her A-game. Those two work so well together, despite their differences.

I walk through the forest, heading towards my position. I may not be allowed in the race, but yet again, there are no rules, so I'm helping The Black Cats out. I take my position near the shoreline where the canoes are going to head, and lean on a tree waiting. I'm hoping the girls have what it takes to win this year. 


Cheering sounds out in the distance and I can tell the race has started. I lean back, keeping my eyes on the shoreline.

From my lookout I can see the competitors arriving. The Jokers seem to be in the lead, but The Black Cats aren't too far behind. Maybe they do have what it takes to win.

One of the canoes, the one with purple capes, suddenly gets pulled sharply to the side. I can see a panic as their canoe crashes and sinks. Damn, that's already one team down. The Golden Beetles smirk and laugh. The sirens were definitely behind that attack. I can't be too mad though, there are no rules after all.

Xavier's team is the first to get to the shore. They really went all out with their theme. Xavier and Ajax's make-up is plastered all over their faces and their outfits are amazing.

"What are you doing here, aren't you meant to be in isolation?" Xavier smiles as he steps out of his boat, pulling it up into the shore.

"No rules remember," I smirk.

"Hey, watch our boat," Xavier calls out to his teammates, while eyeing me suspiciously. He runs off into the woods, leaving a few clowns behind to watch me. I smile at them, still leaning on my tree.

The Black Cats are next to arrive. They act quickly, anchoring their boat in the dirt. Wednesday runs past me into the forest and I smile at her. She is wearing a body-tight, leather cat suit. I could only imagine how much convincing it took to get her to wear it, but at least it was in her signature color. Enid catches my attention, and we give each other curt nods. It's go time.

"Thing I need you to distract a couple of Jokers," Enid says to the hand in her boat. The hand scurries off and crawls up near the Jokers' boat. Thing flicks a rock into one of the boy's heads and gives the jesters the bird. I laugh softly as the boys run angrily after the sentient hand. It was way too easy to get them to leave their mark.

The Gold Beetle team arrive next and quickly get a move on. I watch them as Enid rushes over to the Jokers' boat and slashes at the wood. She gives me a thumbs up and I walk up to the boat, placing my hand on its edge. My hand heats up and a spark ignites. The wood slowly begins to burn. There was no way that the canoe would completely burn up before Xavier got back, but it was enough of a distraction for now. 

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