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Pete is asleep when I get home everyday. So I thought I'd go home early today . So I came home at five in the evening. But pete was not at home.

Mr.pete said he was going to visit his grandma. Said it would be evening when he arrived.

But he didn"t go home by car. I said questioning him more.

Mr.pete was told us that he can't go in car. That"s why said he was going on a bus.

You all idiots. Send him alone like that?

Sorry But mr.pete said no one wants to come........

Stop it. Don't you understand his current situation?  I didn't stay there any longer and quickly left to go to pete's grandma's house.

I was at the gate of pete's house. But no one can be seen in the garden. So I rang the bell at home. Then I saw pete's grandma. She opened the gate for me to enter. I stopped the car inside the garden.

Vegas why did you come here all of a sudden? grandma asked me as soon as I get out of the car.

No grandma. I came because I wanted to see pete. I said looking around .But pete was nowhere to be seen.

Pete is inside the house. Let's go inside. As I walked into the house,I saw pete. He was cleaning the house. Seeing me ,pete got up without any smile on his face. son has come to see you.........grandma said to pete.

Grandma went to the kitchen to make me something to drink. I went to pete.

Why did you come here alone?  You know there are cars at home. If so why come by bus?

I like bus. Pete said without even looking at my face.

Let"s go home . I"ll take you home back.

No need vegas .................let me stay like this..............pete said that and started crying.

Hey...............pete why are you crying?  I tried to touch pete"s face but he backed away. Then started crying a lot.

Why is pete crying? Grandma came and hugged pete and asked. vegas........what happend?

I don"t know grandma......I said because I  had nothing to say. Pete cried as long as I was in that house. After a long evening ,pete stopped crying.

Grandma told jokes to make him laugh. At first he didn't laugh at them ,But eventually he did

Uhhhhh........look at our baby kicking. Grandma suddenly said as she touched pete's belly, come on vegas..........look at this . Pete looked at me as grandma asked me to come. I never touched his belly. But I wanted do that today. So I touched pete's belly. Pete was so unfamiliar with my hand that he flinched as soon as I rubbed his belly. when I looked at his face,there were tears in his eyelids. he didn't even look at me.

I felt so good that the baby in his belly was struggling. I laughed myself. I loved it so much and I gave pete a kiss on his belly. But pete was not used to it .so he backed off. I realized how far away pete was from me .The baby is much bigger now pete. Grandma said as she stroked pete's head. I sat next to him and my hand was still on pete's belly.

Yes. The doctor said that the child has grown well. This is my fifth month. The doctor said not to worry as there are still four months left. But I'm afraid until the baby is born. pete said expressing his feelings to his grandma .

That's it son. If son feels scared like that call me and you have your husband. Isn't it  vegas?

I was at a loss for words. Even though pete was five months. I never looked for him or the baby. So what can I say ?  I felt a regreat that no matter person in the world can feel.

We had dinner at grandma's house and went out to go back home. 

I tried to hold pete because he was having trouble walking ,but he didn't like it. so I opened the car door for him and gave his bag.

I"ll sit in the back. I can't sit in front of the car. pete said .and I couldn't leave pete out any longer. So I allowed it.

Pete doesn't even want to go in the car with me together. But I let him because I know the reason.

Vegas..........pete called me as I was about to drive the car. I quickly turned and looked back.

Can you open one window of this car for me?   I feel very uncomfortable for these seats" smell . He said covering his nose with a handkerchief.

But outside is very cold...........

I bring a coat when I come home. Interrupting my speech,he said wearing the coat.

Now I understand why pete went home by bus instead of by car. he dislikes car seats" smell. I don"t know anything about him....................Nothing...............

When we get home pete  sat up in bed with difficulty and started rubbing his belly.

I had a strange feeling about pete then. I had a feeling that I wanted hIm. I went straight to him and forced him to kiss.

Don't....................Get away vegas.................Don't...............He hit me on my cheek when I was about to take off his shirt.

I  tried to hit him again but he covered his belly with his shirt and cried ,rubbing his big belly ,he cried. I felt so bad for him at that time.

Hey .....pete.......don"t cry. I tried to touch his face but he was scared and went to the corner of the bed.

Enough vegas.................I  can"t anymore. Am i your whore? Or have you sold me to someone? How much money did you take,vegas? If you did that to me ,vegas,I would die with my child. Don't even think about touching me again .I'm not own you. Pete said with tears in his eyes.

But pete our child.......................

Which child vegas?  you never had a child. Never. I'm just a baby making machine. isn"t it vegas? you do everything because of your father................stay with your are so bad like your father. you won"t get your father's love anyway. you don't even know what love is. you are someone who gives your husband to other people. I will never get pregnant from you............

I didn"t do anything at that time. because I know I'm the one who is wrong.

That night the whole room was filled with pete's sobs.

I gave him the room and sleep in another room that night. But did not sleep. I don't know what kind of a day tomorrow will be. will I able to keep pete from crying tomorrow?

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