"I was but I wanted to spend Valentine's Day with you, even if it's just for a little bit."

"That's cool with me, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." She kissed him again. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day, since you here I got something really nice for you after the show."

"You don't have an appearance tonight?"

"Naw, I wanted to make sure I'm well rested for you." Chris bit down on his lip.

"Alright, I'm leaving." Keeis walked out of Chris's dressing area, making them both laugh.

Getting out of his seat Chris wrapped his arms around Mya and brought her close. "I got a whole day for us planned. Once the show is over. We going to the Waldorf, I got us a suite. I bought you a few things too. It's me and you in Chicago for two days before my next stop."

"I can't wait." Mya held his face and kissed him. "Okay, let's get you ready for this next set."

"Let's do it."


Mya went right into stylist mode, helping Chris get ready, making sure his clothes were neat. Then he made his way back to the stage.

Then second half of the show was just as amazing as the first. Chris even brought Mya out during his throwback part. His fans were excited to see her. She loved vibing on the stage with him. Afterwards, they hung around for a little bit, then Chris grabbed Mya so that they could quietly slip away.

The whole ride to their hotel, he just kept her under him. Holding her hand, rubbing her legs, leaving kisses on her cheek. They eventually pulled up to their hotel. Chris climbed out, then helped Mya out the car. The cold Chicago air cause her to shiver. Knowing this was something that she wasn't used to, Chris got behind her and held onto her tight as they made their way inside. To avoid a lot of attention, security took them to the service elevators.

When they got in their room, Mya smiled at all the gifts that were laid out for her. She know not to expect anything less than this. She had a suitcase full of gifts for him too.

"Happy Valentines Day beautiful." Chris said while running his hands across her stomach as he kissed her neck.

"I'm so spoiled, it's sickening at times." She smiled while peeking into the Louis Vuitton bag that was in front of her.

"Yeah, I'm glad you're used to it now. You used to kill me acting like you were too good for my gifts." Chris said while walking over to the food that was there. He had to get something made for them tonight since he didn't expect Mya to be here.

"I just didn't want you thinking I was only with you because of what you gave me, but now I've dealt with your shit for six years, carried two of you snotty nose children, I work for you, I'll take everything you give and ask for more."

Chris laughed. "Chill on my kids."

"Speaking of kids, Landon can not wait to get on that stage with you."

"When I tell you I was so fucking shocked when he was dancing. A year ago the nigga had no rhythm."

"The boy studies you Chris. He watches your concerts and videos. When he comes to your rehearsals, he is locked in. Nothing takes his attention off of you. I love it."

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