Pent up frustrations

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Jay kept his eyes locked on Xavier as they waited. He had pulled out a folder from his bag, and now there were papers scattered about his bed. Jesna was on her feet now, pacing around, close to the door, not paying either of them any mind as, her eyes locked on her phone. He glanced back over at Jesna, then to the clock on the wall. Jay glanced back at Xavier and then hesitated a bit before he carefully approached the bed.

"What'cha working on?" He asked, leaning against the bed frame.

"You care?" Xavier asked, not bothering to look up at him.

"Just curious," Jay said with a shrug, "haven't seen you in a while, I don't really know what you've been up to."

"And whose fault would that be?" Xavier asked, shooting him a quick glance before he looked back down at the papers scattered about his bed, "They're papers for Ben."

"I heard you've been working a lot lately," Jay said, rather awkwardly, "Have you been getting enough rest recently?"

"Since when do you care about that?" Xavier asked, "Listen, Jay, you haven't spoken to me, or so much as looked at me in months, and now you want to come over here asking if I'm well rested?"

"I just want to know how you've been doing lately," Jay snapped back, "You hadn't exactly been open to speaking to me either, don't you pin all of that on me."

"Are you serious?" Xavier said, through a bitter sounding laugh, "You have to be fucking with me. You're fucking with me, right?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I tried reaching out to you for two months, Jay! I tried talking to you, I tried to figure out what I had done wrong and why you weren't talking to me anymore, but you just wouldn't give me the time of day!" Xavier exclaimed, "You don't get to just walk in here and be all 'you didn't try to reach out either' because I fucking did. It's not my fault that you were too stubborn to grant me the decency of at least a bit of closure!"

"You don't need to know why we broke up-"

"I think I have a right to know why I was being dumped after we were so happy together!" Xavier exclaimed, cutting him off, "I thought we were happy, Jay... evidently we weren't, and you didn't even have the decency to tell me what I did wrong."

This outburst is what finally seemed to have dragged Jesna out of her head and she was over to them quickly.

"Jay, I told you not to antagonize him!" Jesna snapped, pulling him away, "I'm sorry Xavier, I talked to him about this before we got here."

"It's fine," Xavier sighed, now turning his full attention towards here and refusing to look at Jay, "Any news yet?"

"They're on their way right now," Jesna said, "They should be here any minute now!"

"I can't wait," Xavier said, a grin breaking out across his face, "It's been just so lonely here, I got used to sharing a room with him."

Jesna nodded along, sitting beside him on the bed, "How do you think he'll be?"

"I think he'll be the same Aziz we always knew," Xavier said with a shrug, "He couldn't have changed that much."

"You didn't see him the last time he got out," Jesna said, "We may have been little, but we both remember it clearly, at least I remember it... he was so quiet. He hardly spoke to anyone, he was there, but he wasn't, you know?"

"The asylum really fucked him up, huh?" Jay asked, only focusing on Jesna.

She nodded silently, letting out a sigh as she rang her fingers through her hair, "He's... I'm scared that he won't... that..." she took a deep breath, "I just want my brother back, but, I'm afraid the version that comes back won't be the same. Does that make sense?"

Xavier nodded, taking her hand, "I get it... If I know Aziz, he'll still be your brother," He told her, "He'll be severely traumatized, I'm sure, but your brother nonetheless. That's not going to change."

Before Jesna could say much else, her phone went off, and she shot up to her feet. 

"Jesna?" Jay and Xavier asked at the same time, shooting small glares at each other.

"They're outside," She exclaimed excitedly, "They're outside!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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