Genie Lore

130 3 4

It's dialogue heavy today lol ✌

"How do you know him?" Xavier demanded, not taking his eyes off the man in front of him. 

His older brother had frozen, an alarmed look in his eyes as he looked between the two of them. He looked older, of course he did, it had been almost eleven years. 

"Me? How do you know him?" Jay shot back.

"He's my brother, Jay," He snapped back

"You two know each other?" Ghuath asked, "I didn't think you two were ever going to meet."

"Jay, how do you know him?" 

"My dad took him in," Jay managed to force out, staring in shock at both of them. 

The pair certainly has a family resemblance. Ghuath had the same blue tints in his hair as Xavier, and he looked like an older version of him. How had Jay not seen it before? Sure, Xavier had a sense of familiarity that surrounded him, he probably should have connected the dots sooner.

"Your dad-" Xavier's head whipped back over to his brother, "You went with Jafar?"

"Are you seriously pissed at me for that?" His brother, the man that Jay had grown to see as his own family, snapped back, "I was trying to survive after you all abandoned me."

"You were unstable! What did you expect us to do?"

"I was eight."

Jay glanced between the pair of them, stepping slightly in front of Xavier.

"You were the genie's kid?" He asked, "You killed your mom?"

"You knew that I killed someone," Ghuath pointed out, "It shouldn't be much of a shock."

"How were you able to contact me?" Xavier asked suddenly, "The Isle has no reception, how did you get to me?"

"He contacted you?" Jay asked, turning to Xavier, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Quite a few things changed when Maleficent left the Isle," Ghuath said, ignoring him entirely and focusing his full attention on his brother, "The barrier is weakened."

"What the hell made you think that I wanted anything to do with you?" Xavier snapped, Jay almost missed the way that his eyes flashed a bright blue, "After what you did to my family?"

"Our family Xavier," He corrected, "Like it or not, you're still my brother."

"No, you stopped being my family when you killed mom."

"Calm down Xavier, you're going to hurt someone," He said, gesturing to Jay, "You two seem to be close, I doubt you'd want to hurt him with your magic."

"I won't hurt him," Xavier snapped, though Jay could see a look in his eyes that didn't look quite so sure of that, "I'm not like you."

"You seem awfully sure about that," Ghuath said, taking a step towards his brother, in turn causing Jay to gently push Xavier behind him, "Did he get his hands on your lamp? Genie's can't harm their masters."

"I'm not bound to my lamp anymore," Xavier said.

The cocky grin on his brother's face fell almost instantly, and he moved quickly as he grabbed Xavier's wrists. Xavier still wore things on them, he wasn't used to them being bare. Silver bangles adorned his wrist alongside a few leather bracelets that Jay had made for him from one of his older jackets. 

"Did you did this?" Ghuath asked, turning to Jay suddenly.

"I did," Jay said as Xavier jerked his arm away from him, "I love him and I greatly prefer for him not to be bound by a lamp."

"That explains why your powers feel so... off. How have you been feeling?" Ghuath asked, turning back to Xavier, "Your magic, how is it feeling?"

"Stronger," was all Xavier was able to say, "I feel stronger."

"You're not feeling sick? It's not crushing?"

"Sick? Why would I feel that?" Xavier asked, "I'm not bound anymore-"

"You can't free a genie before they reach adulthood," Ghuath snapped, "Dad didn't tell you? It makes them imbalanced and unstable."

Jay could see the way that Xavier faltered. Almost as if he didn't know to believe it or not, though it's not like Jay could particularly blame him. 

"He could be lying, Xavier," Jay said, taking his hand, "We'll check when we get back to the Isle."

"Jay, what if-"

"We're wasting our time here. Let's go, we're losing daylight."

"When have you ever known me to lie Jay?" Ghuath asked, tilting his head, "Why would I start now?"

So sorry about the gap but I'll be updating regularly from now on

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