Something is wrong

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"Tell me, little prince," Jafar hummed, reaching down to run his long slender fingers through the boy's hair, "How exactly did you figure it out?"

"Figure what out?" Aziz asked, moving his head away from Jafar's touch.

"You know what I'm talking about," Jafar said, rolling his eyes, "Your parents certainly must've driven themselves insane trying to find their dear son."

"After seeing Jay, it wasn't exactly difficult to connect the dots," Aziz said simply, "I know what my own brother looks like."

"You tried to tell your parents, didn't you?" Jafar asked, "And they thought you were insane?"

"Shut up." Aziz snapped.

Jafar let out a disapproving noise, roughly gripping the boy's hair and jerking his head up.

"Now, now, little prince," The genie said, "Is that any way to speak to your master?"

"You are not my master," Aziz growled out.

"I'm not sure that you're aware of your position, little one," Jafar hummed, keeping a strong grip on the boy's face, "You are below me. No one is going to find you."

"Someone is going to notice my absence."

"No. No, I don't think they will."

"Do you honestly think that sand clone is going to fool anyone?" Aziz snapped, "Someones going to catch on."

"Like your little genie friend?" Jafar hummed, "That's alright. I'll simply remove him as an obstacle."


They met back up with the rest of the group near the entrance to the palace. Jay's arm remained comfortably around Xavier's waist as his lovers eyes roamed around, searching for his friend. Eventually he spotted Aziz. The boy was standing next to his father, a strange look in both of their eyes. When their eyes locked when each other's a jolt of fear rushed through him. There was something unsettling about him. The unsettling feeling grew as Aziz left his fathers side, approaching him and Jay.

"How did you guys like the kingdom?" Aziz asked, addressing Jay more than Xavier.

His voice sounded off. It was different. Softer. Like the sound of falling sand.

"Your kingdom is beautiful," Jay told him, "I've never seen anything quite like it."

Something in his eyes made alarms ring in the back of Xavier's mind. They looked different. They looked wrong.

"Come on, lets head inside," Aziz said, beckoning them to follow him, "It's scorching out here, I feel like my skin is melting off."

He's never been bothered by the heat before. He loved it. Their dorm in Auradon was like an oven because of how much he enjoyed the heat.

"Xavier?" Aziz asked, waving a hand in his face.

Xavier shook his head, bringing himself out of his thoughts.


"I asked if you were ok," his friend said, putting a hand on his shoulder, "You're all pale. Maybe you should stop by the healing wing."

"Yeah good idea," Xavier mumbled.

Why was he dizzy? He felt fine a second ago.

"I'll take him down," Jay said, "He's right, you don't look that good."

Xavier nodded.

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

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