Is this perhaps parent issues?

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"Hey, why do you look like you want to shoot yourself in all these photos?" Jay asked, trying to cut through the tension that had formed in Aziz's room, "Do you not like camera's or something?"

He could practically feel the panic radiation off of the boy sitting in bed as he fidgeted with anything and everything he could get his hands on.

"Jay, I can't do this," Aziz said, ignoring Jay's question and shooting a bordering panicked look at the door, "Last time I tried to tell them as just a suggestion, and it went badly and-"

"Hey, relax alright?" Jay said, putting a hand on his brother's back, "You're panicking."

"I don't want to upset them," He mumbled, twisting the sheets in his hands, "They got so mad last time and mom started crying and dad-"

"Aziz," Jay said, causing him to look over, allowing Jay to see just how much panic and worry were behind his eyes, "Nothing's going to happen, ok? I'm gonna be right here for support and I promise you, nothing is going to happen, alright?"

Aziz hesitated for a moment before he nodded.

"Ok," He mumbled as footsteps could be heard in the hall, "You're not going to leave, right?"

"I won't," Jay assured him, "Don't worry."

"You keep saying that," Aziz said, seeing the doorknob turn.

"Aziz, are you alright?" Jasmine asked, stepping into the room, "Oh, Jay, we didn't expect to see you here."

"I'm sorry, I just thought he'd appreciate the company," Jay said, taking his hand away, "He seemed rather lonely."

"No need to apologize," Aladdin said, "We appreciate that you decided to do that. He never did like being alone."

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" Jasmine asked, walking over to her son and sitting on the edge of the bed, "Is the pain better?"

"The meds are working," Aziz said with a small nod, "There's no reason for me not to go back to Auradon-"

"Aziz," Aladdin said sternly, "We talked about this already."

"We can keep a better eye on you here, Aziz," His mother said gently, "We'll make sure your recovery goes well."

Aziz looked as if Agrabah was the last place he wanted to stay for the next few weeks.

"Is something on your mind?" Jasmine asked, putting a hand on his, "You're not protesting as much as you usually would."

Aziz shot a quick glance at Jay and then back to his parents, fidgeting with the bedsheets.

"I know you told me to drop it on family day," He started.

Jay could see the look in his parent's eyes at the mention of it.

"I'm not crazy, Jafar said it himself, he-"

"No one said you were crazy, Aziz," Aladdin said, "But when you talk like this? How do you expect people to react?"

"Dad, please just listen-"

"Aziz, do know how you sound?" He asked, "You're going to take Jafar's word for it?"

"Aladdin, maybe we should take him to that doctor we met with," Jasmine suggested, softly, "He specializes in things like this."

"I'm not crazy!" Aziz snapped, "I know what I'm talking about."

"We're trying to help you," His father said, "We thought sending you to Auradon would calm you down a bit, but clearly it hasn't made any difference."


"If we have to send you to a hospital for you to let this absurd idea go, then we will," Aladdin said, "Drop it, Aziz."

"Aziz, we know how your brother's death affected you, especially with how young you were," Jasmine said, "Lots of children who experienced things similar at a young age are... less than alright mentally."

"With all due respect," Jay cut in, watching Aziz as he gripped the sheets tightly, "I was there. So were Mal and Xavier, they heard it."

"Were they?" Jasmine asked, clearly more willing to listen than her husband, "We'll talk to them about it. Are you aware that Aziz thinks you're his brother?"

Jay nodded.

"He's mentioned it a few times," He said.

"He can take a DNA test," Aziz suggested quietly, "If he's not then I'll admit I was wrong, and I'm not all there mentally alright? You'll get what you want."

"Aziz, we don't think you're insane," Jasmine said, "If you really think he's your brother, then fine, we'll test him. We'll get the DNA test for him," She turned to Jay, "That is, if you're willing?"

"I might as well find out," Jay said, with a small shrug, "Better to have confirmation."

"Aziz, if you're wrong, we're taking you to that hospital," Aladdin told him.

Aziz nodded.

"Fine," He mumbled, "If I'm wrong, lock me up and throw away the key."

Is this gaslighting? Like, I actually don't know if Aladdin and Jasmine are gaslighting Aziz right now-

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