Antagonizing a Villain

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Aziz lifted his head slowly, hearing Jafar's growl of frustration. 

"Is something the matter, o great genie?" Aziz asked, sarcasm dripping from his voice as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, "Things not working out the way you want?"


Jafar turned to him, a straight, murderous look in his eyes. To Aziz's credit, he didn't flinch or shrink away, even when Jafar got closer to him, gripping him tightly by the hair.

"Your little genie friend figured it out," Jafar told him simply, jerking the boy's head up.

"Of course he did," The prince said simply, still not looking all that scared as he winced from the grip, "Maybe you should have made a better sand clone-"


Jafar growled again, abruptly releasing his grip on his hair.

"I'm getting awfully tired of your voice," He said.

"Maybe you should gag me again," Aziz suggested with a small smirk, "Of course that won't change just how awful this little plan of yours is-"

Click. One more.

Aziz's head snapped to the side suddenly, a pain spreading through the side of his face. Jafar grabbed his head, forcing him to look back up at him.

"If you value your life, you'll keep your mouth shut."

"Was that hit the best you can do?" Aziz asked, somehow deciding that antagonizing him would be the best option, "Big scary Jafar decides that peak intimidation is a slap?"


"I'm growing tired of you."

"What a shame."

The cuffs opened, sliding down his wrists and into his waiting hands. Before Jafar could process what happened, Aziz was swinging them, the cuffs hitting him hard in the head. Jafar cried out, stumbling back as Aziz lunged for the staff, ripping the red jewel from the eye of the snake and throwing it to the ground, watching it shatter, red mists and sparkles escape from it.

Then he tried to run.

In his attempts to open the chains around his wrist, he had completely forgotten about the one connected to his neck. At least he forgot about it until he was abruptly dragged back and being gripped by Jafar.

"Oh, you're going to regret that, you little brat."

You changed meDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora