Jay didn't consider that it wouldn't just be Aziz he's related to

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I am well aware that I named Aziz's little sister Antonia, but like it's been a while I want to change it, so I will. Her name is Jesna now because I thought that the name, and the meaning, were pretty. Also, with the inconsistencies regarding Aziz saying that she can't remember Jay, I am changing that too, so I'm sorry for that. Also, I know I made an entire fic just for Aziz, but this is all relevant info, I swear-

Jay stayed holding Aziz until the boy seemingly wore himself out,  crying himself to sleep. Judging by those bags under his eyes, he needed it desperately. It was almost disturbing how vulnerable Aziz had been. He wasn't used to it, that kind of breakdown would have gotten him killed or worse on the Isle.

Jay shook his head, deciding he'd rather not have Aziz and the Isle of the Lost in the same thought. Really, he'd decided to just keep the idea of the Isle gone in general.

"Aziz, could you let go for me?" Jay asked, keeping his voice low, "Please? I'd like to move."

Aziz didn't respond. Obviously. It took a bit of effort, but eventually Jay managed to slip out of his grip and out of the room, being careful to make sure that Aziz didn't wake up. Slipping out into the hallway, he allowed the events that just happened to play through his mind again. He needed whatever anger this could provide fresh in his mind.

And there was definitely a lot of anger he could pull from it.

The entire conversation made his blood boil. The way the Sultan and Sultana spoke to Aziz was enough to drag memories up from the Isle. Behavior like that was normal there.

No one liked it, but it was acceptable

He knew they acted like that to him a lot, with Aziz's reactions to it and how easily it worked for him. Hell, the kid couldn't even hold his own in an argument to let him go back to Auradon. Never mind looking vulnerable, Aziz looked defeated. Like he'd given up arguing with them years ago. He knew that look too well, too many kids on the isle had it when it came to their parents. 

Jay had it with his father.

The only difference was that he always knew that a hit was coming.

Aziz looked like he didn't know, and Jay hated that. 

At least on the Isle, the villains acted the same in front of and behind closed doors. Apparently, outside, they didn't do that.

"Did Aziz fall asleep?" Someone asked, causing Jay to jump.

He turned around, seeing Jesna leaning against the doorway to her room.

"Shit, you scared me," Was all he was able to say.

"I'm sorry," She said with a small laugh, "But is he?"

"Yeah, he fell asleep," Jay said with a nod, "He looked like he needed it."

"Oh trust me, he does," Jesna said with a sigh, "He doesn't like sleeping that much, funny considering that it's almost impossible to wake him when he does."

"He wore himself out," Jay told her, "He was crying."

Jesna frowned.

"Did our parents stop by?" She asked.

"Yeah," Jay grumbled, forcing down the choice words that he had for the Sultan and Sultana, "Yeah they did."

"Fuck," She grumbled, "I'll go check on him. I doubt the interaction went well."

"It didn't."

Jesna pushed herself off the wall, stepping closer.

"They think he's insane," She said, "Because he thinks our older brother is alive."

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