Plot Related A/N

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This legit is just going to be a list of the family trees as well as the ages of the characters, as well as some plans I have for future chapters.

Just in case anyone's curious, here's the family tree of the main characters so far:

From oldest to youngest in Xavier's family-
- The genie, the father of these guys
- Ghauth, the eldest son, age 19
- Jordan, age 17
- Gigi, also 17
- Xavier, age 16 and the youngest.

Then in Jay's Family-
- Jafar, the father but only via adoption (read kidnapping)
- Aladdin and Jasmine, the biological parents of Jay
- Jay himself, age 17
- Aziz, right under him, age 16
- Jesna, the only girl and age 15, very close to 16

Now Xavier's eldest brother hasn't been introduced or brought up yet in the story and I can assure you there is an actual reason for that. Contrary to some of my other random characters, this guy is actually going to get a pretty cool plot line that I plan to set after the D2 movie events.

Might be sooner, though.

In other news, just in case anyone is curious, here are some of the ages of the other characters:

Ambrose - 18 (yeah, this dick is a legal adult)

Ozzy - 17

The rest of the (relevant) characters are their canonical age, but since the wiki for some reason doesn't have them, I'll just put 'em here.

Mal - 16 (as of D1 & D2)

Evie - 16 

Carlos - 16, but like young 16 ya know?

Harry - 17

Ben - 16 (as of D1 &D2)

Chad - 17

Audrey - 16

Uma - 16

Gil - 16

Besides that list, allow me to talk about the plans I have next.

Right off the bat, I know that most of you aren't really big fans of Ambrose (shocker, I know) which is the reason I'm bringing him back in as a fun antagonistic character.

Well, fun for me, anyway.

I want to fill in the space between Descendants 1 and 2 since the gap between those two is about 6 months. I have a pretty good map of how I want to get between the two and funnily enough, they do involve me using these characters as personal punching bags. 

After that, I'm not entirely sure if I want to make D3, and after its own book, but the chances are they're all going to just be in this one. It'll save everyone a lot of trouble.

As stated before, Xavier's family drama is going to happen either before or after the D2 events, although with the way things are going at the moment, the chances of it being before are very high.

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