Finally figuring it out

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The photo above are cuffs that i made for this fic specifically as a reference for what Xaviers cuffs used to look like.

Xavier woke up a few hours later, looking down to see Jay fast asleep beside him, arms wrapped around his waist, pulling Xavier close to him. The genie let out a small sigh, a soft smile playing at his lips as he slipped out of his boyfriends grip, careful not to wake him. The bad feeling from earlier had since worn off, leaving him feeling much better.

He quietly slipped out of the room, leaving Jay to his own rest, as he walked through the halls. The sun still shone brightly in the sky, clearly they hadn't lost too much of the day. Xavier walked through the familiar hallways, looking at the photo's lining the walls. He paused in front of one.

It was a family photo. Both the sultan and his own family. It might have been the only photo to have all of the kids standing together and not looking like they hated being there.

Aziz had still kind of looked like he didn't want to be there, but he looked like that in all of the photos. He always hated cameras.

"Xavier!" called, catching the genie off guard and drawing his attention away from it.

Turning, he saw the prince standing a few feet away. The same unsettling and downright sickening feeling from earlier came washing over him again.

"Hey, are you ok?" Aziz asked, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He flinched lightly at the touch, causing his friend to frown. Hit touch felt wrong. It didn't feel like skin. It was hot, like the sand outside.

"Sorry, sorry," He mumbled, "Just not feeling that well is all."

"Are you sure?" Aziz asked, concern lacing his voice that just felt so off, "Where's Jay? Maybe you should go rest."

"He fell asleep," Xavier told him, "I didn't want to disturb him."

Aziz nodded.

"Do you think it's the heat?" He asked, "Making you feel sick, I mean. It's been a while, you might not be that used to it."

"No I don't think it's that," He mumbled, "Hey you remember that time we snuck into the museum?"

"Yeah, you wanted to check something out there, right?" Aziz said, although he didn't sound all so sure.

"Last time I checked, it was your brilliant idea," Xavier said, rolling his eyes.

"Right," Aziz mumbled, blinking.

Xavier eyed him for a moment, slowly putting the pieces together.

"We snuck in because you wanted to see if they actually put Jafar's staff in there," Xavier said, "They wouldn't allow it to be placed on the isle, they were afraid it would be too powerful."

"Is there a reason that you're bringing this up?" Aziz asked, a strange look coming into his eyes.

Xavier was sure he could see a red tint in them.

"It was there," Xavier told him, not seeing how Aziz wouldn't remember it, "It was there, and you somehow talked me into touching it. It threw me against the wall and I felt sick for weeks after."


"I don't know what the fuck you are, but you are not Aziz."

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