Returning to Auradon

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So I felt bad for skipping yesterdays update so as an apology, I decided to post two today.

The next morning went by quickly, with everyone preparing to leave the kingdom. Jay had tried to slip off a few times, just to check in on Aziz, but the opportunity for him to do so never reasonably came up.

He did end up having a run in with the Sultan, who thankfully didn't bring up their last encounter, but informed him that they'd be keeping touch and that he'd be contacted as soon as the results came in. Jay hadn't given much of a response outside a small nod before he found an excuse to slip away from him.

"Bout time you got out here," Carlos said when he saw Jay climbing onto the bus, "We were wondering where you ran off to."

"Yeah, sorry, I got turned around on the way here," Jay said with a shrug, getting a raised eyebrow from Mal, "We leaving now?"

"Soon," Evie hummed, "We're still waiting for FG."

Jay gave a nod, slipping into the seat next to Xavier, who was staring blankly at his phone. He glanced over at the screen and upon seeing the contact name, Jay reached over, carefully taking his boyfriends hand in his own while using the other one to shut it off.

"Don't pay him any mind," Jay mumbled, "He's not worth your time."

"I thought I blocked him," Xavier sighed, pocketing his phone, "I even changed my number."

"Then block him again," Jay said, "You don't need to put up with him right now."

After a moment, Xavier gave a small nod, leaning his head against Jay's shoulder.

"You're right," He hummed, "I'm not looking forward to seeing him when we get back."

"Oh, don't worry hun, I'll make sure he doesn't cause you too much trouble," Jay told him, "I'll keep you safe."

Xavier gave him a soft smile, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"Isn't it a little early for you two to be acting all mushy?" Jesna asked, rolling her eyes behind them.

"Ignore her," Aziz chimed in, not looking up from his phone, "She's just bitter that she's dingle."

"Holy shit, Aziz, when did you get here?" Jay asked, tilting his head, "I thought your parents were going to keep you here."

"They changed their minds last minute," Aziz said with a small shrug, "The healing helped with that, so thank you, Xavier."

"Anytime," Xavier hummed, "Although I don't see why they didn't get me to heal you sooner."

"I think it was the coma?" Jesna guessed, "They didn't know if he'd wake up?"

"Well, I mean, even if he didn't, I still could have fixed the more surface level injuries," Xavier said, "Especially if he didn't make it."

"Yeah, don't talk about him like he isn't sitting right there," Jay said, gesturing to Aziz, who had an unamused look in his eyes as he stared up at them.

"Whatever," Aziz mumbled, "Let's just get out of here, so I can have a little bit of freedom again."


They arrived back in Auradon around noon, and the students decided to get all their things sorted out before they carried on with their day. Xavier gave Jay a kiss on the cheek before grabbing his bag and following Aziz to their dorm.

As the pair walked down the hall, Xavier could see how Aziz walked with a slight limp, most likely from an incomplete part of healing.

"You look tired," Xavier hummed as he fished the key out of his pocket, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

"Do I ever get sleep?" Aziz asked, nudging the door open. 

The window was wide open, the lock most likely broken, judging by the rock sitting on the windowsill. Before any anxiety could set in with either of them, their eyes landed on the boy lying on Aziz's bed.

Well, more hovering above the bed.

Aziz rolled his eyes as the boy grinned.

"Az, you're ok!" He exclaimed, flipping himself to sit up properly, "I was so worried about you."

"Ozzy, do we need to have another talk about you breaking into my room?" Aziz asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ozzy frowned, disappearing from sight and reappearing in front of Aziz, still hovering as he cupped his face.

"I was worried," He said with a small pout, "Jesna said you got hurt."

Xavier cleared his throat, causing both heads to turn to him.

"Do you two want me to leave?" He asked, glancing between the two.

"No," Aziz said as Ozzy said, "I mean if you're offering."

"Ozzy, I appreciate your concern but, I'm fine," He hummed, subtly leaning into his touch, "And seriously, stop breaking in. Just text me like a normal person."

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