"I almost killed your mother like this."

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The next time Aziz woke up, his body was sore and in pain. Looking down, he could see the bruises started to form on his upper body. His hands were back in the cuffs, and Aziz suppressed a groan when he saw them. All that hard work for nothing.

"Oh good, you're awake," A voice said, more muffled than before.

"Did you do something to my hearing when you were beating me?" Aziz asked, wincing as the light hit their eyes.

He looked down, seeing the cuffs and collar were connected to a chain leading into the ground, only really allowing him to kneel. 

In sand? Weren't they in a cave?

"I didn't do anything to your hearing, little prince," Jafar hummed, stepping into view, "It's probably just the glass muffling the noise."

"Glass?" Aziz questioned, looking up at his surroundings.

He was in fact in a glass container. It took a moment to piece it together, but seeing the sand above him, held back by the red mist, made his heart race. He yanked against the chain's trying to loosen them or break them.

"Now, now, don't panic," Jafar hummed, smirking when Aziz snapped his head back towards him, "Your little genie friend is on his way here."

"Don't hurt him!" Aziz snapped, pulling at the chains again, "I swear to god if you do-"

"I think you should worry less about him and more about the hourglass that you're trapped in," The genie said, "You know I almost killed your mother like this."

"Trust me, I know," The prince said, before he smirked, "Then you got your ass beat by a street rat and a monkey."

"Don't give me a reason to kill you sooner," He sighed, "It really is a shame to have to kill a pretty thing like you."

"This didn't work on my mother, why on earth do you think it would work on me?" Aziz asked, rolling his eyes.

Before Jafar could respond, footsteps could be heard entering the cave.

"Showtime, princey," Jafar hummed, snapping his fingers, causing a gag to appear in Aziz's mouth as the sand began to fall.

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