Well this is awkward

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A knocking on the door drew Xavier's attention away from his cleaning. He was getting the dorm cleaned up for Aziz knowing that he'd be there later that day, and he wanted the room clean and tidy for when he got there. Glancing at the clock though, he realized that it was way too early for him to be back.

"Just a minute please," He called, getting up and dusting off his jeans and smoothing the covers on the bed.

He walked over to the door, adjusting the light switch to make the room seem more dim, just in case it was actually Aziz, and he was just early. Though he did admit he would probably miss the brightness of the dorm when Aziz gets back, he supposed that was what the sun was for.

Xavier reached up, running a hand through his hair, doing his best to make himself look like less of a mess as he used his other hand to pull open the door. Leaning against the doorway was Jay, his gaze seemingly avoiding Xavier.

"Oh," Xavier found himself saying doing his best to sound normal and not awkward and disappointed, "Jay. What are you doing here?"

"You don't have to sound so disappointed," Jay mumbled, still not quite looking at him.

"I'm not," He said quickly, "You just... you aren't who I was expecting you know?"

The two fell into a silence that didn't last very long as another voice rung out.

"Oh yikes you two are painful to watch," Jesna cut in, stepping out from behind Jay, "And here I thought there were no hard feeling between you two.

She looked fine now, without the bandages and crutches. There were still thin white lines creeping up along her neck from being thrown into the mirror and under the jacket that she was wearing there were more scars, some bigger some smaller than others. Jesna typically didn't cover them up, but given what was happening, he understood why she had.

"We figured we'd wait here for Aziz," Jesna told him, "So we can greet him as soon as he gets here."

"You mean, so he can't avoid you?" Xavier asked, stepping aside to let her and Jay in.

"Well that too," She said, shooting a grin as Xavier as she fell back against Aziz's bed.

"You'd know all about avoiding people wouldn't you?" Jay muttered, though it was pretty clear that he hasn't meant to say that out loud.

Xavier chose to not say anything, rolling his eyes as Jay walked past him.

"You two are going to behave yourselves right?" Jesna asked, sitting up and eyeing the two of them, "I don't want you two fighting to be the first thing my brother sees after getting out of the asylum."

"Speaking of him have you heard anything about him?" Xavier asked, "Like from your parents?"

"I've been trying to avoid calls and texts from them actually," She said, pulling her phone out, "Though I've gotten a few texts from them, I think they finally got the hint that I didn't want to talk to them after what happened."

"Well he did blast you into a mirror," Jay said, leaning back against Xavier's desk, "Jesna we didn't even know he had magic and him using it to hurt you? You were in a coma for two months."

"No one who's had magic for a long time would have it burst out of them like that," Jesna snapped before turning to their friend, "Right?"

Xavier nodded, moving over to sit on his bed, avoiding looking at Jay, "If he actually had it the whole time, not only would it have acted like that, I would have known."

"Unless it was unstable, something you've become quite aware of as of late," Jay said and Xavier could feel his eyes burning into him, "How's that been going for you?"

"Jabir," Jesna hissed, shooting a glare at him.

"Jabir?" Xavier asked, trying to force himself not to react to what Jay had said.

He wasn't unstable, he wasn't. It was just a few incidents. No one ever got hurt from it, it was just because he wasn't used to it yet. He still wasn't quite used to there being no limits on his powers. 'Phenomenal cosmic power', as his dad would say, just needs some getting used to.

"It's the name he was given at birth," Jesna said, tapping a bit at her phone, "And he had no clue that was his full name."

"I was called Jay my whole life, I didn't question it," He said with a shrug, "Not that it'll make any difference."

Xavier stood up, walking over to Jesna and sitting next to her, "What are you looking at?" he asked.

"Texts from mom and dad," She hummed, a grin breaking across her face as she excitedly took his arm, "He's gonna be here in ten minutes! I'm gonna see my brother again in ten minutes!"

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