Chapter Twelve - The Dance

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I cringed as I began to see just how much I was overlooking. "Yes..."

"Would there be anyone that would want to hinder you from these two things?"

"I... there might be... but I can't see how they could have accomplished it. I was well liked on The Denver, and I had many friends. There was only my cousin who disliked me. We quarreled whenever we tried to have a conversation, so I avoided her."

"What is her name?"

"Darla Martin."

"What did she do on The Denver?"

"She was the receiver."

"And if you had become captain, would you have kept her on?"

I squirmed as I wrestled with the ugly truth. I had disliked Darla as much as she disliked me. "It's hard to work with someone who hates you. I might have sought to have her transferred to another Library."

"We are getting somewhere. Perhaps being transferred would not be in her best interest. She likely knew this about you.  Is there any possibility that she overheard you speaking with the Head Librarian Brightgarden?"

I thought back on that day. I was quite distraught, and not paying attention to my surroundings but there was one thing I recalled. "The cabin door was wide open. I do recall seeing Darla pass by. It's possible she overheard it."

"We have caught the scent... let's search further. Did any of your crew step foot on Janesport when you did your errands?"


"What did you do with the letter?"

"I kept it on my person the whole time until it was taken from me when I was stripped and dressed in prison rags."

The Tavla took a bite of his sandwich and chewed it thoughtfully. After a moment he said, "So, then, that was when the prince found it."

"Yes, I suspect so."

"Let's speak of your engagement to Lord Mercury Lastender. Was there anyone that might be upset about you marrying him?"

"He had an agreement with another noble family that he should marry their daughter, Renata. She was rejected on the same day he proposed to me."

"Do you think she might have spoken to the prince about that letter?"

"No... Renata is someone who is more likely to poison my tea. There are many stories about her dangerous family."

"Then... it was Darla who betrayed you first, but Renata is from a dangerous family with means to ruin the lives of others."

I nodded as I had also come to the same conclusion. They could have equally arranged things to go wrong for me.

"Was Darla acquainted with Renata?"

"No... I don't think -- wait. Renata and Darla were together with Chevral at the night market."

"And what were they doing?"

"They were... they had charms on the table and were quite pleased about something. Chevral looked drunk. He was flirting with both ladies."

"Did you recognize the charms?"

With a quick exhale,  I thought back on that wretched night.  I tried to remember the color and shape of the charms, and realized one was oval shaped and pink -- a listening charm.

"One was a listening charm," I confirmed.

"That is how they did it. Darla had been using a listening charm to follow all of your conversation from the time she overheard Brightgarden speaking to you. She might well have planted another charm upon you while you went to Janesport to meet Madame Claire. It only takes a few other charms, and a clever mage to be able to alter such a listening device. They had given that to the magistrate and Renata gave it to the prince when she disappeared, since it impacted his family. "

I had never liked Darla, but I had never thought she would do something to hurt Papa. She had a grudging fondness for him even though she put on airs. Or, at least I thought she had.

Chevral had once again done something unspeakable to my father, and likely had hoped to appear as a shining knight when I was rescued.

And Renata, well... she, I understood. Merx was worth fighting for. 

Everything became clear, each part of their betrayal and how clever they'd been. The memories smacked me with the force of a boulder against my face. I bent over on the bench and struggled with my feelings. Had it not been for my librarian training, this new thing would have sent me over. But no, I was not going to be a coward and let them win. I could do this thing and make sure they all paid for my dear Papa's death.

As I took this all in, I realized what Xīwàng was doing. He'd taken this time to remind me of my reasons for doing this. It was manipulative, but I understood. He wanted his own retribution and needed me. Finally, I stood, allowing him to manipulate me.  "I'm ready to continue."

Xīwàng stood as well and took my hands. We completed the first twirl, then the second. He grabbed me around the waist then dipped me.  I twisted my body flush to him. 

His expression smoldered with what I thought was the same vengeance that set me ablaze.

His lips crashed down upon mine, and I squeezed my eyes shut, and turned my head.

"Okay, let's try again." Xīwàng sounded quite flappable at that moment.

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