𝟬𝟯𝟮 Best Laid Plans.

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Best Laid Plans


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"Here." Handing a glass of blood to Caroline, Damon stood behind the couch in the living room of the boarding house. The blonde sat with a distasteful expression across her face while Stefan stood before her, his arms crossed.

"I'm still shaking." Her voice trembled lowly.

Suddenly, Angelina entered the room with a concerned, flustered, and exhausted look. "What happened? Why'd you call?"

"Go ahead, tell her. You're gonna love this." The jet black haired Salvatore said to Caroline.

"I saw Katherine today."

"What? Where?" The Petrova's arms crossed as her eyebrows drew together.

"At the grill.." She went on. "I just stopped by to gawk and quasi stalk Matt.."

"Skip the teen drama, get to it." Damon remarked.

"..Then I pretended to use the bathroom, even though I didn't really have to go because I'm some doofus.. and then Katherine came in pretending to pose as Elena. I saw right through her, of course, because I know my best friend. Then she asked me to deliver a message."

"What was the message?" Stefan inquired.

"She wanted me to tell you guys that she wants the moonstone or she'll rip the town apart.. until it rains blood."

"Tell him the rest of it." A sarcastic grin grew across Damon's face.

"She wants it tonight." The blonde exhaled. "At the masquerade ball."

The brunette ran her fingers through her hair, pacing slowly whilst sighing deeply. "She's retaliating. Killing Mason threw her off guard and now she's trying to do the same to us."

"She's running scared." Rolling his eyes, Damon drank a sip of blood from his own glass. "What she did to Jenna was desperate, she's out of tricks."

"How is Jenna, by the way?" Stefan shifted his head to the brunette.

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