𝟬𝟬𝟱 A Night To Remember.

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A Night To Remember

                             Angelina, Stefan, and Damon stood by one another and observed the dance together for anything unusual while Elena conversed with her friends, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline

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Angelina, Stefan, and Damon stood by one another and observed the dance together for anything unusual while Elena conversed with her friends, Bonnie Bennett and Caroline. During the time they had been there, Angelina and Elena have kept as distant from one another as conceivable to avoid suspicion.

The 1950's were Angelina's favorite decade. Regardless of the entirety of the conflict and all the negativity going on, she was couldn't lie, the music was astonishing. Most of the time, she was either dancing until her feet hurt, or on the run from Klaus.

Yet, during the 1950's, it felt more calm for her. It had been long after she and Kathrine separated meaning she felt all the more free during those days.

"When's this guy gonna get here?" Angelina complained, setting her empty cup of punch on the table next to them. "I'm hungry, bored, and school dances are definitely not as fun as I thought they were."

"You're always bored, nothing new." Stefan argued with her.

"And you're always brooding, nothing new." She rolled her eyes without sparing him a glance.

"How about you guys play nice while I go as far away from you two as possible to keep my sanity?" Damon groaned before walking away from them both and heading towards Elena and her friends.

The brunette rolled her eyes and kept on watching everybody talk and dance together, attempting to discover any individual who appeared to be to some degree suspicious.

However Angelina was concerned as to why Elena had been attacked. Elena didn't appear to have any vampire foes who might really attempt to kill her, in light of what she thought about her. So the possibility is that an 1864 vampire confused Elena with her or Katherine, which was the last thing she needed right now.

What a TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora