Chapter 10

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Nerves were probably the only thing Louis more hated then pineapple on pizza. His stomach was in knots. His heartbeat was speeding up. He wondered if Harry could feel his nerves beside him. He was silent the whole walk.

''Your lucky.'' Harry said suddenly. ''I am what?'' Louis answered questionably. ''Your lucky, you get to go home within an hour again. I have lessons till 3.'' He exclaimed.

Louis rolled his eyes. He didn't consider himself lucky. His father made him go to the same school as Harry's. It was not far from their house, Louis would say about a 15 minute walk. Louis was in his last year, he begged his father to just skip it and quit school. But of course he never agreed to that. He claimed that it is important to get an education.

''You only get to pick up your schedule and talk some things over and then your already on your way home.''   ''House.'' Louis muttered. Harry however ignored his little comment and kept walking.

They came in few of the school, the school was definitely bigger than his previous one. Students were outside talking to each other. Laughing was heard. Louis felt like a stranger, he didn't belong here. He would be the newbie now, another thing he hates.

People will always pick up on the newbie. He suddenly halted in front of the doors to enter the school. Fishing his lighter and a cig out of his pocket. Lighting it quickly. Harry looked at him in pure disbelief. ''Right we have to hurry and you are going to smoke.'' Harry muttered. ''Shut up..'' Louis said after blowing out the smoke.

Harry scrunched up his nose from the smell. He never got used to it.

Some students were watching them with curious eyes. Some stared in disbelief to them. Nobody really smoked here on school grounds. They were a pretty healthy school in that subject.

Louis stepped the last bit out with his foot. Taking a deep breath and walking inside beside Harry with the biggest scowl on his face that could muster in that moment. They walked down the hall towards a woman in front a desk with computer. She was wearing red glasses, her black hair pulled into a knot. She looked very tired and not like she belonged here. She looked like she just entered her thirties.

''Hello, my name is Louis Tomlinson. I am the new student, my father called uhm I am coming to get my schedule. And I also have some kind of appointment with someone to talk things over or something.'' Louis said to her.

She nodded and handed Louis his schedule. ''Ms. Davis is down this hall, second door. She will talk Further things with you since your starting a months in the new school year.'' She informed him kindly. Louis hummed back at her and put the schedule in his bag before saying a quick goodbye to walk to Ms. Davis her office. Harry send his goodbye as well to him since his bell rang through the hallway.

Now he was all alone again. The noise was gone.

He knocked softly on the door, he heard a small 'Come in'. He walked into a neatly cleaned space. Ms. Davis was sitting behind her desk, going through papers that were all scattered in front of her.

''You are Louis Tomlinson am I correct?'' She asked. ''I am ma'am.'' Louis kindly replied, taking a seat in front of her. ''Very well, have you already picked up your schedule?''    ''Yeah I have, it's in my pocket..'' Louis says back, reaching for it. He grabbed the piece of paper he got and laid it on the desk in front of him. ''Do you have any questions or is it all clear?'' She asks.

''Well it will take some time I guess to know where every classroom is but I think I will be fine.'' Louis shrugged his shoulders. ''Good, well I wanted to talk some things over since your starting this year later then our other students. Your in your final year correct?''

''Yeah I am.''   ''Well you already missed some important lessons and with that also a exam. You have to redo the exam in a given time that you get from your teacher. I do want to say that all teachers will help you as much a possible, seeing as you are behind. They will try there best to answer any question you have. Now I am aware of your current situation. Your father talked with me a bit. Now I know that can be hard at times, but you are required to attend any lesson. Other wise you will fall more behind or fail your last year. Now we don't want that, we don't want any student to fail here. We do however have a talk room around here, you can come there at any give time during school hours to talk. There is someone there available. Now I can give you a paper with information for it if you like?'' She finished speaking. Her eyes were looking directly in Louis his blue ones. They were far more intimidating then he would like to admit.

''Thanks for the offer, but I don't need some person to talk to. I am fine.'' Louis said, forcing out a smile. She hummed and opened a desk drawer beside her. Grabbing a paper and sliding it to Louis. Louis eyed the paper like it could bite him any second. He doesn't dare touch it.

''Here is the paper, just in case. Your not crazy Louis. You are not any less of a man if you ask for help to talk.'' She says, her voice thick.

''When do I have to start?'' Louis asked, ignoring what she just said. She sighed ''Next week Monday.'' 

Louis nodded back at her, he absolutely despised going to school. And now he is even behind to. I mean he was not dumb, he expected it after staring later in the school year. But to be hearing that he already missed an exam..

Louis took a deep breath, ''Anything else you wanted to tell me?''

''I don't. Not for now anyways.'' She stated. ''Then I will be going, see you next Monday or not..'' Louis shrugged his shoulders. Standing up, his chair screeching over the floor. He grabbed his schedule from the desk, he eyes the paper with information for one more moment.

With a thudding heart, his hand went across the desk and snatched it. Ms. Adams was pleased with what she saw. She was happy that he indeed took the paper with him. He walked out the door however without saying any goodbye.

Louis walked down the hallway in a hurried pace, he had honestly no idea where he was going. He was sure he already walked in a different hallways then he came in. He walked by countless classrooms or rooms in general. He wondered where Harry was in this moment. He wished he was here with him, he absolutely hated the feeling.

The feeling that he depended on someone to survive. It wasn't right, he could do this alone. His tried to control his breathing by taking some deep breaths. In and out.. he reminded himself.

Step after step, he kept walking. He needed to get out, finally he found a door that lead to the outside. He opened the door and breathed down a gulp of fresh air. His head slightly tilted back, mouth agape.

He fumbled in his jacket, grabbing his lighter, lighting a cig. His lungs burned for the feeling and comfort it brought. He blowed out the smoke slowly. His eyes closed for a small second. He opened them again, and for a moment he thought that he was going crazy. He was sure of it.

Behind a tree was a girl standing, white blond hair, her eyes piercing blue just like his. She looked at him with a cold expression. But she was gone in the blink of a eye. Louis looked, scanning the area with his eyes, in search for the young girl. She looked like she was around sixteen years old. Maybe even fifteen? 

He failed to spot her again. He was sure that he was just imagining things. It had to be. There was no way that a girl was there one second and the next she was just gone. His cigarette burned up. He tempted in lighting up another one, but decided against it.

The paper felt heavy in his pocket when he finally arrived at the house again. He left it in some drawer from his desk when he arrived in his room, thinking he would never look at it again. He was alone in the house, Anne was at the supermarket. His father at work, Harry still in school.

It felt lonely. He always craved silence till he was met face first with it.

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