Chapter 11

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A knock on the door. Louis flinched at the sudden sound. He hadn't heard anyone coming home, let alone anyone walking up the stairs towards his room. Anne opened the door slowly, smiling softly. ''Hi Louis.'' She said. Louis smiled a tiny bit, not verbally answering her. She sat down at the side of his bed, taking a deep breath.

''Can we talk for a bit?'' She asked. Louis wondered what she wanted to talk about? Was he going to be kicked out? Has it something to do with his dad or even Harry?

''Your father... He really cares about you, you know..'' She trailed off. ''Funny way of showing It.'' Louis chuckled dryly to himself, shaking his head a bit. ''He tries Lou.'' She said sternly. ''Doesn't mean it is working..''

''I am not saying that but you father, he had some troubles at work and..''    But Louis cut her off, ''No were not doing this. You are not going to apologize for him. If he is sorry, he will come to me in person!''

''It's hard for him too Lou, He lost his wife. The woman he loved most...''  

Louis just shook his head and walked away very angrily. ''Where are you going..'' Anne yelled after him. Louis however didn't listen, he walked down the stairs, putting his shoes on. His hand moving to grab his jacket to walk out the door. To run away from his problems. How dare she even mention his mother.

Anne was a bit faster, she blocked the door by standing in font of it. ''Get out of the way!'' Louis said angrily. ''Not when your like this, not now!'' She said back very sternly. ''Did you just not hear me of what, get out of the fucking way..'' Louis yelled frustrated.

''You are not running away again from your problems. We are going to talk this out.''     ''I don't want that, please... I just... Fuck..'' Louis yelled, his hand thrown in the air from frustration. He turned around in an attempt to take a deep and shallow breath. Trying to calm his anger down somehow.

Anne watched him with hurting eyes. She saw that the boy was hurting enough to let it slow. A small slip up. She saw how he hunched over with his hands on his knees, attempting to calm himself down. He stood back up and forced himself to face her. That was the first time that she saw all kind of emotions in his eyes. For once she couldn't even say which one stood out the most. His blue eyes were practically flashing every second.

''Please...'' He said to her in almost a whimper. ''I can't let you leave the house now.. I am sorry.'' Anne said, her voice so quiet, it was almost a whisper. She just couldn't let him walk out he door when he was like this, god knows what he would do out there. There was a reason he wanted to leave, he wanted to do something he couldn't do in the house.

Anne was already regretting everything she just said a few minutes ago, she wondered if she said the wrong thing? Or if she said anything that could potentially trigger him?

''Fuck..'' Louis yelled, throwing his fist at the wall beside him with full force. He gasped at the impact. It hurt, he must admit but the bubbling rage was gone for just a few seconds. So he did it again and again. His knuckles hurt, and were probably bleeding a bit too.

Louis never been violent before with his anger, he was good at keeping his cool in a physical way anyway. This was new for him too and he didn't know how to stop it or slow it down. Anne pried him of the wall, grabbing his arm mid air before he could strike another blow to the wall. His were locked down to the ground now. Blinking slowly, his eyes rethinking everything he just did.

He was practically trying to destroy a wall from a house. A house that wasn't even his. ''It's okay.'' Anne murmured to him. ''No...'' Louis whispered. ''It is.. Let me take a look at your hand come on..'' She said. That was the moment that louis look at his right hand. There was blood and it shook in Anne her grip that she loosened.

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