Chapter 9

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Zayn patted Lou his shoulder just as they made their way around the table. Mark just arrived home. He looked up from his paper, Looking at the trio. ''Zayn.. Liam.. When did you two get here?'' He asked. Now putting paper aside.

''I don't know to be honest, somewhere around two I guess?'' Liam answered, trying to remember the exact time that they got here. Mark nodded back, his face glancing to his son. ''Don't look at me like that. They called and said that they were on their way. All I did was not being rude and shoving the door shut in their faces.'' Louis muttered.

Anne and harry stayed silent, but were watching the conversation with their eyes. ''Alright.'' Mark simply answered back.

''I asked them if they wanted to sleep here for the night and they agreed.'' Anne said. Mark nodded at her. They all began to eat silently.

''This is really good.'' Liam said happily. ''Thank you dear.'' Anne chuckled.

''It's your turn on doing the dishes Lou.'' Mark said without glancing up at him. ''But I have friends over..'' He whined back. ''Well you should have thought about that beforehand..''

''What is your problem today!?'' Louis said angrily to his father. ''I don't have one.''

''Yes you have, ever since you got back from work today!''    ''Don't talk to me like that, don't raise your voice.'' His father pointed to him. It was just the two of them left in the kitchen. Harry already diving to the couch to see his favourite show that would come up on this time.

Louis told his friends to wait for him in his room. He would soon join. ''I will raise my voice if I want to. You are being mean to my friends without a single reason!'' Louis yelled. ''Don't yell!'' Mark said back, his voice now also raising.

''Don't tell me what to do!''   ''Alright that's it, I don't want to see you anymore!'' Mark yelled. Louis clenched his fists, his breathing heavy. He stormed up the stairs to his room. The door slamming behind him.

Mark sighed and put his hands on his face, scrubbing it a few times. Anne walked in to the kitchen with caution. It was pretty obvious that she heard all the yelling and commotion. And she was pretty sure too that the two boys upstairs heard is as well.

''What's going on?'' She asked softly. While she was preparing some tea for her and Harry. She signed with her hands if he wanted to but he shook his head taking a deep breath. ''Work stuff.'' He simply answered after some time. Anne honestly thought that he would never answer her.

''Maybe the job wasn't a prefect match as you hoped?'' She said. He shook his head stubbornly ''I need the job. Doesn't matter if it's a perfect match or not.''

Anne nodded and took a deep breath herself. She felt sorry for Louis. ''Louis doesn't know that. You just blew him off without any explanation to him.'' She reminded him. ''I know and I feel so bad but I just couldn't help it. These statistics from work kept repeating itself in my head.'' He said.

Anne hummed, ''He had a hard few days Mark. I don't know if you noticed but the only places he goes too is outside to smoke or he is in his room almost the whole day.''

Mark looked at her, his eyes were challenging, battling with himself. ''Those friends he got over are good for him. And hopefully he feels comfortable enough with them so he tells what is going on in his head instead of keeping it all in.'' She said. Taking the hot steaming mugs of tea's with her to the living room where Harry was waiting for her.

Mark let her words settle in like a heavy stone sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Upstairs Louis was laying on his bed, facing the wall. Liam and Zayn crouched down in front of the bed. Liam his hand was rubbing his back softly in a slow movement. Louis didn't say anything when he came up, he just flopped onto the bed an stayed there. Louis was pretty sure that they heard the fight with his dad.

''We're here for you Lou.'' Zayn said. ''Please talk to us..'' Liam sighed. The door opened and Anne walked in with a pained smile. The other two boys looked at her with sad expressions. Anne saw that they both cared so much for the blue eyes boy.

''I just came to ask if any of you wanted some tea?'' Se asked. ''Yeah we would like that. I am sure Lou will as well.'' Liam said with a small genuine smile. ''Alright, will be right up.''

She closed the door back behind her. Louis sniffled and turned around carefully. Now coming face to face with his fiends who both smiled sadly at him. He knew that his eyes were probably red rimmed, his hair must be a mess.

''Let's watch a movie shall we?'' Liam asked. Louis nodded and sat up slowly. His head spinning a little in the process. Liam and Zayn took place on either side of him. They decided to watch grease. Since it was the favourite movie from Louis, they figured it would cheer him up a little.

Anne smiled at them when she saw them all bundled up together watching a movie. She handed them their requested tea's. And she threw a soft blanket at them. Louis smiled the tinniest bit at her. Anne watched proudly at her now stepson.

The evening came, they all stayed together on the bed, watching movies. Louis almost fell asleep a few times. His eyes fluttering open once again. ''Maybe it's time to call it a night.'' Liam said slowly, himself also rubbing his eyes.

''Yeah agreed mate..'' Zayn said, looking at Louis. Who was watching them with tired eyes. ''Yeah maybe you two are right. We still have to ask Anne for the spare mattress though and the blankets and pillows.'' Louis said, yawning.

He stood up slowly and made his way to Anne and Marks room. The door was closed. He was just standing there in front of it. Debating if he should go in. He finally knocked and sucked in a deep breath. He heard a faint 'come in'.

Anne was laying in the bed, reading one of her books. Mark wasn't there yet, he was probably still watching television down stairs till midnight. His mother would always scold him for that. Claiming that he wouldn't get the right amount of sleep. His father never listened to her advise though and just kept doing it.

Anne smiled at him and asked what the matter was. He never came to her room before to ask something. ''Well we kind of want to go to sleep. Pretty tired but we have no idea where the spare mattress is. Or the extra blankets and pillows. So that's why I am here I guess.'' Louis said, looking down at the ground. Not meeting Anne her eyes.

What if he would see a look in her eyes that he never wanted to see again. He didn't know Anne that well, could he even come here at this time to ask something.

''Oh of course, completely forgot hun. Come with me.'' She said, stepping out of her bed with a kind smile. She sensed the nerves from the boy, he was rethinking this over way to much.

Shortly after the three boys were cramped together in his room. A mattress on the ground with a lot of blankets thrown un top off with some pillows. ''Who is going to take the bed with me and who is ging to take the mattress?'' Louis asked, scratching his neck.

''I feel like taking the bed.'' Zayn stated immediately. ''Yeah alright, I'll take the mattress, no problem. I move a lot anyways in my sleep.'' Liam chuckled. Louis hummed back.

Louis felt a little more on ease this night. He didn't know if it was because his friends were there or if he got more comfortable in this house. He closed his eyes and fell in a world of darkness. A world where everything was so much better then in the real world. Where everything inside was silent, where there wasn't a constant temptation. A world of peace.

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