Chapter 8

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Just a month and a half before, everything was so different. Louis would wake up on his own time, slumping down the stairs. Meeting his dad down stairs, who was making a piece of toast for him ready. His dad leaving for work. Louis would stay home, watch some television. Would probably fall asleep again, waking up later feeling like shit. His dad getting home, they would order in some food. And then they would repeat this cycle the next day again and again.

But now here he was getting waked up on time by Anne. He would walk down stairs, a master breakfast being served on the table. He would really eat it. Instead of sometimes stuffing it away in the trashcan when his father wasn't looking. He hadn't gotten used to the fact that this was now. he wasn't back there, he was here in a new house.

Louis remembered asking if Harry was alright with saying it to his mother. He replied with 'fine, I don't mind. She would wake up first from it usually anyway.'  Louis supposed that he had to take that as a good sign.

Louis was met with the chilly air outside. The wind was breezing softly and messing up his hair.  It took him a few times to light up his cigarette. He heard the creak of the door behind him. He didn't tun around to see who it was. ''Hi..'' Harry said. Louis felt like this was some kind of dejavu. 

''What are you doing here?'' Louis asked bluntly. He didn't want to sound rude but he couldn't help it. ''No reason.'' Harry shrugged. ''Well there must be something, otherwise you would never come here on your own.'' Louis stated, taking a drag.

''Just wondered if you were alright.'' Harry said, grimacing at the strong smell of smoke. ''I am, now you can leave.'' Louis answered. ''Well if your that alright, you have no problem with me reading this book on the chair there.'' Harry said, sitting down on the chair in the corner.

Another drag. ''Shouldn't you be at school?'' Louis asked. ''Having a free day, our lessons got cancelled. I am free today.'' Harry smiled. ''So in your free time your going to read a real book and therefore annoy me?'' Louis muttered back. ''Maybe.. ''

They were sitting in silence for some time. Louis lit up another cigarette in the meantime. ''Smoking that much, isn't good for you.'' Harry said without looking up from his page.  ''And who are you to scold me from it.'' Louis said back angrily.

''Just saying.'' Harry muttered. ''Well stop saying.'' Louis replied angrily.

Louis his phone rang, his ringtone filling up the empty silence outside. Louis sighed for a moment, his head falling back. Taking a deep breath before accepting the call without looking at the contact.

''Hey mate..'' Louis said sounding happier. ''Hey Lou, what was the address again?'' Liam said through the phone. Louis chuckled and gave it him again followed by a ''Why?'' ''Were are heading your way right now. We missed you and had to see you again Lou.'' Liam said.

''And who is we?'' Louis asked back, although he was pretty sure about who Liam was talking about. ''It is me Lou.'' Zayn his voice rang through the air. Louis let out a silent breath, nodding. ''Yeah so.. anyways we will see you in a bit yeah?'' Liam said. ''Yeah..'' Louis answered back. Liam hung up the phone call shortly after. Louis was left with the beeping noise against his ear. He took a deep breath to steady him a bit.

He was happy that his friends were coming over but also really nervous. What if they decided that they never wanted to see him again after this. Claiming that they had enough of this long distance friendship thing.

''Who was that?'' Harry asked from his corner, putting his book on his lap. Louis looked at him, he forgot for a moment that he was even there with him.

''A friend.'' Louis replied. Not really wanting to get in to much detail about it. Louis left without as so much leaving a second glance to Harry.

Harry sighed to himself, Louis was always so harsh on him. He just wanted to held on a normal conversation, but nothing seemed to work. He sat outside for some time till he heard the bell ring. He quickly stood up and walked in the house towards the front door.

Seeing that Louis already rushed to it, He was hugging a taller brown haired boy. Standing beside him was a boy with black hair in a small quiff. He had tattoos, a lot of them. Where Louis only had a few, he had a complete sleeve.

Louis pulled back from the taller lad and smiled, quickly going over to hug the other boy. Harry stood there, Dum folded to the scene he was seeing with his won green eyes.

Louis pulled back and faced Harry. His smile immediately dropping. He felt embarrassed that Harry had to see that. ''These your friends Lou?'' Harry asked. ''Yeah.'' Louis said back whispering.

''Well very nice to meet you, I am Harry. His now stepbrother.'' Harry said waving a hand. ''Liam.'' ''Zayn.''

''Well lets go inside.'' Louis said, they followed him up the stairs to his room. Harry was left alone In the hallway. He knew that it was probably best if he left them alone together for some time. So he decided to walk to his mother who was working in the kitchen. She smiled at her son when she saw him arrive.

''Everything good?'' She asked. ''Yeah, Louis has some friends over. Think you already heard that.'' He said back. ''Yeah I did. Was he okay earlier when you decided to read outside?'' She asked her son. Harry hummed, ''Yeah I guess. He was just a little mad and offended I guess. I don't think he was there from the whole time. He zoned out quiet a bit.'' Harry admitted.

He always told the truth to his mother. She was like his best friend, not just his mother. There bond was strong. Anne smiled sympathetically, ''Patience dear. He will start talking when he is ready.'' Harry sighed back because of course he knew that. He was dumb not to.

Back posters, Louis showed them his room. It was still mostly blanked, but he had hung a poster here and there. the shelved were full of his things now to. It didn't look even nowhere his old room, but he supposed that it was a start.

''Woah Lou..'' This room is a tat bigger then you said.'' Liam said, his eyes scanning the room. Louis shrugged his shoulder.

They all sat around on the bed later. ''Do you like it here?'' Liam asked. Seeing the downwards mood he was in all day. ''Dunno' '' He answered, closing his eyes for a moment. Liam hummed back. Squeezing Louis his knee in a comforting manner.

''Is that Harry guy okay?'' Zayn asked. ''I suppose..''    ''You are not going to talk much today aren't you?'' Liam chuckled.   Louis nodded and looked down again. ''No problem, we will just sit here in your presence.''     ''Thank you.'' Louis replied softly.  Because truly this is all he would need for now.

Louis eventually shifter so he was laying his head on Liam is shoulder. Zayn on his other side , his arm wrapped around his back. ''Your head being noisy today?'' Liam whisper asked. Looking down on his friend.

Louis nodded because it had. Form the moment he woke up till now. They silenced a bit but they were still there in the background. ''It will be okay.'' Liam said softly.    ''I was a total dick toward Harry earlier. Wasn't fair. He was just reading his book.'' Louis said in a small voice.   ''I am sure Harry doesn't care Lou. He seemed like a really nice and forgiving person earlier.'' Liam reassured him.

''I basically ignored him a whole lot, don't even remember the half of it.''

Liam hummed back.  Just then the door opened to Louis his room. Anne stepping inside, her eyes scanning the scene in front of her.   ''Hello boys. I am Anne, Louis his stepmother. I came to tell Lou that dinner would be ready in twenty minutes.'' She said.

Louis nodded back at her, his head still laying on Liam his shoulder. ''You boys staying for dinner to? Or staying the night even?'' She asked politely.

Liam pursed his lips for a moment. Thinking about a answer. He looked at Zayn, he confirming his question without words. ''We would like to stay for dinner. And maybe sleep over too if that's possible?'' Liam asked back. Louis his lips formed the tinniest bit of a smile when his friends decided they wanted to stay for just a bit longer.

''That's settled. And of course, that is possible. We have spare blankets and a spare mattress you can use.'' She stated smiling.

''Thank you'' Liam replied. ''Yeah thanks Ms. Anne.'' Zayn said.

They all heard Harry yelling her name down stairs. ''Coming Dear.'' She slightly yelled back. ''Sorry, I have to got meet Harry. He is watching the kitchen for me. I am guessing that the beeper went off.'' She informed us. She walked out with one final smile.

Louis felt the raise and fall from Liam his chest. His eyes fluttered closed for a moment. His nerves were already calming back down, his energy worn.

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