Chapter 4

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Louis hates telling people how he feels. He just wasn't good at it for some reason. He was sitting on the couch in some comfy clothes. Grey sweatpants with a adidas hoody. His father was looking for various jobs around town. He quit his old job In search for a new one around here. He is sure as hell putting a lot of effort in this whole moving in thing louis thought. Anne was baking something in the kitchen, Harry was somewhere in his room doing homework.

Louis was sitting on the couch that was way too big, the television turned on in front of him. An episode of Friends playing in the background. Louis always loved that show. He loved the comfort that the show brought to him. He always watched episodes together with his father and mother. 

The clock is just hitting 3 o'clock pm. Knocking was heard on the door, Louis frowned at the door and wondered who that would be. However he didn't make any movement to stand up and opened it. This isn't his house after all so he shouldn't be answering doors for strangers.

Anne walked to the door and smiled a reassuring smile to Louis. It's like she could sense the nerves coming from the boy. Louis heard some laughter and greeting from the door.

Walking in was a boy with blond bleached hair, his brown roots showing. His accent was different though. It rang heavy through the air around them. He was smiling an awful lot. Louis frowned at him, ''Harry is upstairs dear.'' Anne told him. ''Thanks...'' The boy paused looking at Louis. ''I'm Niall nice to meet you, I am a good friend of Harry.'' He said. '' 'm Louis.''  

''Well I'll see ya, have to go to Harold. The games are waiting for us.'' Niall said. ''That boy should be making homework, not be playing games.'' Anne said laughing. ''Well you know he will make the test good no matter what.'' Niall said back. ''Well go on then, Oh and Niall...'' Anne said, Niall turned back around and looked at her. Gesturing for her to continue with what she was going to say.

''Maybe Louis wants to join you playing games?''   Both eyes turned to Louis who suddenly felt very small now. It stayed silent for a bit before Niall spoke up. ''Well there is always room for one more..''

Louis looked down for a moment, attempting to find the confidence to say something. ''I mean you don't have to bring me with you. I am just fine with staying here watching Friends.''

''Nonsense, it will be fun..  Come on.'' Niall said. And who was Louis to say no to that. it was way to long ago when he played some good game again. ''Alright.'' He simply answered. Standing up slowly, walking around the couch behind Niall up the stairs.

They reached Harry's room, the door was open ajar. Harry looked at our direction when he heard footsteps. His mouth instantly formed in a smile, dimples showing. Greeting Niall with a quick hug. He was sat at his desk finishing up the last bits and pieces of his homework.

Louis took a good minute to take a look at his room. The walls were decorated with posters from Musical bands he never heard off. The shelves were filled with books, A candle on the corner of his desk. There was a smaller sized television hanging on his wall across from the bed. A PlayStation placed underneath it. There was a rug on the wooden floor beneath his feet. Everything was well decorated. It was so just like him.

Of course there were pieces in the room that he couldn't really understand, Hands the small Christmas themed snow globe on a corner. That one random shoe laying in besides the door, with no trace as to the other from the pair. One poster was once ripped in two but taped together on his wall.

Harry coughed in his fist to get Louis his attention. Blue eyes meets green. ''Hmm.. What?'' Louis asked dazed and confused. ''You alright?'' He asks. ''Yeah of course why wouldn't I be?''    ''You just looked lost is all.''   

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