Chapter 6

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Thud. Thud. Thud. Louis his footsteps kept echoing over the pavement.  He couldn't stop running, his lungs were burning. His heart kept racing, it was honestly beating out of his chest. Louis let out a pained whine when he came to a slower jog. Till he eventually stopped to walk.

His head was spinning. He almost collapsed on the ground, black spots dancing around in his vision. He took place on a wooden bench. Nearby a playing ground for little kids. There were a few parents there talking to each other, looking over their kids from a distance. A few gazed at his direction with nasty looks.

He knew that he didn't belong here, Louis took a good look around again. Everything seemed so unfamiliar. He was amazed by how big it was here. You could very easily get lost. Everything looks just the same, every corner, every path.

He really wished that he took his phone with him but of course that wasn't the case. When Anne called his name earlier, he didn't thought he would be running out of the house not even 30 minutes later. Then again he never thought that his father would hit him either. He knew that he didn't mean it, Louis saw it in his eyes right after. But the shock and adrenaline that took over him, replaced all the things he saw.

A woman who was like 40 years of age, came walking up to him. She took a seat beside him on the bench. ''You look lost dear.'' She stated. Louis hummed back, gazing back at the kids that were playing in front of him. ''Do you maybe have to call someone?'' She asks politely. ''No,.. I forgot my phone anyways.''    ''You can use mine I you need.''     ''That's very kind of you but you don't have to.'' 

Louis his legs went up to his chest, his arms wrapping around him. The wind started to pick up a bit. He was happy that he brought his jacket with him in the panicked state that he was in. His head was laying on top of his knees. He sighed softly.

The woman hadn't left yet. ''Do you maybe want something to eat or drink. I always bring spare things with me for the kids.'' She asks him. ''Not really hungry, thanks though.''  

''Maybe I am prying into your business right now, but which ones are your kids?'' Louis asked, his head looking up and meeting her face. ''That's no problem to ask dear. They are there at the swings. The girl and the boy..'' She said, while pointing in their direction.

Louis smiled at them, the boy was pushing his sister on the swings. They both had blonde hair, the boy was wearing an to big hoody for his length. And the girl was wearing a princess shirt. ''Isn't she cold now?'' Louis asked, looking at the little girl again. She had the biggest smile on her face right now. ''Don't worry, I will wrap her up in a jacket as soon as we leave. She claims that she Is never cold, just some tantrum things.'' She answers.

Louis nodded at her. Little kids were truly adorable, they didn't care about what the world thinks of them. They are just being their selves as they should. We as people could learn a whole lot from them. They are seeing the world from a whole different point of view, a happier one.

Louis got back to hugging his legs more tightly. He wondered of anybody was gong to search for him. Even if they did, it would take some time to find him. He didn't even know where he was himself. Louis took a shaky breath in and out. He felt his throat closing, his eyes were brimming with tears. They were almost spilling over. He was doing everything in his power to keep them inside. Inside where they are save.

At that exact moment, Harry stepped on his bike after a promise to his mother and Mark that he would find him and would bring him safely home. He couldn't have gone that far. So he cycled around, looking for him. He was lying if he didn't have any difficulty with searching. He almost wanted to call his mother to tell her that she should go looking for him too with a car until he spotted him. Sitting on a bench, he knees pulled up to his chest. His head pressed down in them, his shoulders slightly shaking.

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