Chapter 7

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A bonding day, that's what Anne and Mark had called it. Louis wasn't thrilled in the slightest. He wished they would leave him alone only for a day. Just a day.

He was lying under the covers, his back turned to the door. He heard the rain tapping on his window. A thunderstorm was coming in the weathercast said. He heard someone knocked on the door. Louis didn't answer, he just stayed silent. The door opened a second later nonetheless. Footsteps walked toward him, he felt the covers dip on the far edge of the bed.

''Hey Lou...'' His father said. He looked at his son with a worried expression. He was very drawn back for the past few days that passed. It was unlike him, he normally was always there. Even If he didn't say anything.

Louis ignored him and just closed his eyes for a moment. Maybe he would leave when I pretend to be asleep he thought. ''I know your awake..'' Mark said, sighing softly. Louis blinked his eyes open again. ''What's going on hmm?'' He asked. Louis never answered him. ''Everyone is waiting for you downstairs to come. Harry made a good fort from a lot of pillows and blankets.'' Mark chuckled.

A tiny smile formed on Louis his lips, because that sounds like something Harry would do. ''He is very exited about it, already picking up the movies he want to see.'' His father continued. Louis hummed back. ''What's happening in your head Lou?'' He asked. ''A lot.'' Louis mumbled back. Mark almost didn't catch it, most of his speech was muffled by the blanket that was tightly wrapped around him.

''Can you maybe explain what that means Lou?'' He asked. ''No..'' Louis whispered, taking a deep breath. ''That's okay.. Just please don't go too lost in yourself like two years ago.'' He said. Louis' eyes narrowed, he meets his fathers gaze. ''We agreed to don't talk about that ever again!''

''Your right, I am sorry.'' Mark apologized. ''Well I better go downstairs, please come when you ready to come out of bed..'' He continued. Louis nodded and faced the wall again. he heard his father leave and close the door behind him. He was happy that he didn't force him to come out of bed.

Louis sat on the side of his bed for some time, his head in his hands. He already heard the laughter down stairs. It was very loud for a Saturday.

He walked down the stairs nonetheless, they would come son to his room again to tell him to come if he isn't there in another 10 minutes. He took his time to stepdown the steps. One for one. His movements were a bit slowed. He was not looking forward to this.

Anne and Mark planned a day together. They would all watch movies down stairs all day, and eat on the couches and just have fun for a whole day. In Louis his eyes it sounded childish and not worth his time.

He walked in on scene he never expected. Harry was in a pillow fight with Mark. Anne was watching the scene unfold from the couch, a cup of steaming hot tea in her hands. Louis stood speechless watching. Harry was having a real pillow fight with his father. It looked foreign. The side was unfamiliar.

Nobody noticed the blue eyed boy standing there and maybe he didn't want to be noticed.

''Noooo...'' Harry yelled laughing, almost getting pushed down on the couch. Mark laughed too, something Louis hadn't heard for a long time or maybe he didn't noticed.

Anne finally met Louis his gaze. She smiled at him, taking another sip. Louis kept watching, his face almost glaring. Finally when his father turned around, he saw his son. He immediately stopped doing what he was doing and greeted his son with a smile. ''Hey Lou..'' He said happily, a little out of breath.

''Uhm.. Hi.'' Louis whispered. He took his place on the couch, slumping. Going up in the cushions. ''You can join if you want?''  Harry asked breathlessly. ''No go ahead. I won't mind.'' Louis said, forcing out a smile.

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