Bonus chapter 1

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Ivy and I got married this year in June, after three years of dating. This is also the first year we've been assigned the hosts for Christmas, since we're the new married couple and all.

Jay and Esmeralda flew in earlier this week and stayed at our house. Raul, Grace, Andrea, and their two-year old Jay drove today. Mateo, Lilith, Delfina, Xolo, and their one-year old Carmen came three days ago even though they live twenty minutes away.

Jas and their boyfriend Kai are coming today. Aman, Esha and their two-year old Amira are coming today as well. Isaac, Ravi and their one-year old Devan are our neighbours so they're always here.

Everyone has settled down and has kids now, even Esmeralda is trying to convince Ivy and me to give her another grandkid. We've talked about it though and have decided to wait and just be the rich aunts for a while, except we're not that rich.

I wanted my friends to be able to come as well but this is Reyna's first year being invited to Callum's family's house for Christmas so she's completely freaking out and half way across the country.

Jen and Andie are on their honeymoon and Noor and Raheem don't celebrate Christmas but they're still seeing their family for the holidays.

"I'm freaking out Isaac." I said as I was scrambling around the kitchen trying to cook while Isaac sat at the table looking at his phone.

"Just don't freak out then, I'm sure we can just order pizza if your first ever Christmas dinner turns into a shit show." He shrugged while still staring at his phone.

"Don't you have like a whole child you should be looking after right now?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"He's sleeping, we both know he's going to be too excited tonight to sleep." Isaac replied.

"Uh huh, well then why don't you I don't know help me?" I questioned.

"No, I don't cook, why do you think I'm always at your house?" He replied.

I rolled my eyes but let it go and got back to cooking. Soon everyone started to show up and we all said our hellos. Right now we were in the middle of opening gifts.

I had Delfina in my lap as she opened the doll Ivy and I got her. She started squealing as soon as she saw it.

"You like it Del?" I grinned at her.

"Yeah I love it, thank you Tía Iva and Tía Priya!" She smiled widely and turned around to hug me.

Now it was Andrea's turn to open her present, Ivy was going to get her the exact same thing before I told her we had to get something different, we ended up getting her remote control toy car.

She started to scream and smiled when she opened it. She gave Ivy and me a big hug before the next person went to open their present.

After everyone was done with the presents we decided to get settled down for dinner, although that was hard since all the kids were to busy with their toys. Andrea had rammed her car into Raul's ankle at least three times with the help of Ivy.

"You done torturing your brother?" I asked while slightly smiling at her when she came and sat down at the dinner table.

"Not yet, just taking a break." She smiled back.

We laughed and talked with everyone, it was fun to catch up while everyone was busy with their own lives. Jay and Esmeralda also said they had a surprise to share with everyone today as well which I was reminded of when they both got up to talk.

"So as you all know we have some news for everyone." Esme smiled.

"Yes and that news is..." Ivy replied impatiently.

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