Chapter 15

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I hate life.

Ivy still has me left on read yet we're supposed to have a date tonight. I'm pretty sure it's going to be awkward. I also haven't actually really talked to Isaac about the whole dating my brother situation even though it's been like 2 weeks since I've known, I just don't know how ask him about it but we're going to hangout today so I'll bring it up then.

Now I have to go check on Reyna, she hasn't come out of her bedroom yet even though she normally would've came out about an hour ago, I hope she's alright. I knocked on her door and I heard her say a muffled, "Come in."

"Hey I just wanted to ask if your ok?" I said as I slowly opened the door.

"M'fine." A voice said underneath a pile of blankets.

"Are you sure?" I asked while looking at all the tissues scattered around the room.

"Yeah, but can you drop me off at my parents place today? We're going to try and work out a funeral for her together." Reyna replied.

"Ok, but do you think you'll be ok alone there?" I asked, thinking back to the experience with my own family.

"Yeah, my older sister will also be there and she said she'd make them be nice." Reyna said.

"Ok then, get dressed and I'll take you before I meet up with Isaac." I replied.

She nodded and I left her room, I was already dressed so I fed Cora while waiting for Reyna. After I poured food for Cora I had to go around the apartment to actually look for Cora. I eventually found her underneath a pile of laundry in my room, I picked her up despite her protests and took her to her food. Reyna came out soon after that so we left.

It took about 25 minutes to drive to her parents house, when we got there another car had been parked on the driveway which I had assumed was her sister's car. She got out of the car and said, "Thank you."

"No problem, but any problems you call me and I'll pick you up ok?" I replied.

"Yeah, thanks." She smiled before walking off.

After I left her parents house it took me another 15 minutes back to the diner Isaac and I were meeting at. Isaac has already been sat at one of booths in the corner but as I started walking closer to it I saw my brother sitting right there with him. It wasn't that I didn't want Ravi there but I had hoped to talk to Isaac alone.

"Hi Didi (sister)." Ravi said as soon as I sat down.

"Hi." Isaac smiled.

"Hi Isaac hi Bhaya (brother)." I replied.

"Sorry I dropped in on your guys' whatever this is but I felt we all needed to talk." Ravi said.

"Me too, but I was going to talk to Isaac but talking to you both is fine too." I replied.

"So um, this is kind of awkward for me." Isaac said.

"It's ok." I replied.

"I spent six years of my life cussing out your brother and now I'm dating him, it's a little awkward." Isaac said.

We all laughed a little at that before Ravi spoke up," Look I don't want this to ruin your guys' friendship ok? Just act like I'm some random guy."

"It wouldn't have ruined our friendship I'm just a bit weirded out is all." I said.

"Why?" Isaac asked.

"I guess I'm a bit scared of our parents reaction to Isaac, I don't want you to introduce him to them and they start getting hostile with both of you." I said.

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