Chapter 18

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Ivy stood in the doorway staring at me for sometime before Ravi broke the silence. "So um I'm just going to leave you guys to talk." He quickly shut the door behind him while walking out.

"Are you his partner?" I asked softly, trying to keep my composure.

"I-I guess, yeah I am. But I swear I was going to tell you everything once the case was over." She tried to touch my arm but I quickly moved away. She looked hurt but walked over to the other side of the room.

"So you lied? Everything that made up our relationship was one big lie!? I mean you probably don't go to school, you probably don't have that 'family' you talked about, nor do you have a job as a secretary, I didn't even know your real last name until five minutes ago! I bet your name isn't even Ivana!" I got up and started to yell at her with tears in my eyes.

"No no, I swear I didn't lie about my first name or my family. I just couldn't tell you much because I was trying to protect you." She tried to explain.

"Ravi told me about the case weeks ago, you could've told me then too!" I shouted.

"I-I-I couldn't, I didn't know how!" She also started to raise her voice as well.

"Oh yeah that's a great excuse! I mean did you already know who I was when you approached me!?" I asked while crying.

"Kind of, we had to do background searches on all the employees and Ravi mentioned you were related." She said.

"So was everything a lie then? Did you ever even like me? Because right now it seems like your case is coming to an end and your doing everything you can to avoid me!" I yelled.

"I-I do like you, I like you a lot. You think I wanted to like you? I was on a case I wasn't supposed to get emotionally involved!" She raised her voice a little and tried to touch my arm in comfort.

"Don't touch me! You don't get to try and comfort me right now!" I shouted.

"Ok, ok I won't." She said softly and moved away from, though her face crumpled into a hurt expression. It made me start to cry  even more then before.

"I think I need to leave." I said and walked out the door.

I saw Ravi near the room pacing around nervously, it seems that everyone was slightly staring at me so I assumed they heard us. I rushed over to Ravi and resisted the urge to yell at him as well, "Take me home, I don't want to be here."

"I-I can't, I have to take you back to my place for the time being so I'll take you there." He replied nervously.

"Fine, whatever I just need to leave this place." I said as we started to walk out.

I looked behind me and as I was going out the door and saw Ivy crying by the office. Part of me felt bad but the other part of me was too hurt to go back. The drive wasn't long but it felt like forever with the awkward silence between us.

"Did Isaac know?" I asked.

"Yes and no, he knew about my case just not that Ivy was on it." He explained.

"And why couldn't I know?" I asked.

"It's complicated Priya." He sighed.

"I'm gonna stay quiet again because if talk to you anymore I'm gonna yell at you and I don't want that." I tried to stay calm.

"Ok." He replied as we drove in more silence.

When we got there he directed me to a room by the entrance, I assumed it was the guest bedroom. He left quickly after. I decided to just lay down. I started to cry, I don't know how long I cried before I had fallen asleep.

Hi! This chapter is rly short but I promise I'll try to make the next one longer. I'm kinda pissed off right now bc I used an old email for my account and now that email doesn't rly exist anymore and I can't change the email either bc I forgot my password so now I'm like terrified I'm going to get locked out of this account. I've considered switching accounts but I have a lot on this one so I probably won't. Anyways thx to anyone who read my little rant bye bye!
Have a good day!

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