Chapter 2

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Welp here I am, it's the next day and I'm sitting in bed rethinking everything that happened last night.

After I fainted the girl, who's name I now know as Ivana Hernandez and Ren got me to the hospital. The doctor said that I just had a fever and needed to take antibiotics.

I should also apparently be staying in bed resting. So I'm in bed cuddling with Cora and doing assignments for my classes. I'm not supposed to go to work for the next 3 days but I probably will tomorrow or the day after.

"Priya did you take your medicine!" My roommate Reyna yelled from the kitchen.

"Yes mom." I replied sarcastically with a nasally voice.

"I'm going to work, I'll be back later, I'll bring dinner and I made you some soup just heat it up when u want it." Reyna said.

"Thank you, see you later." I replied.

After Reyna left I immediately got up. Soup is boring so I'm going to walk to the coffee shop get a muffin and read. I got changed into blue jeans, a white sweatshirt and put my hair in a braid. I put on my shoes and got my book before I left.

"Hi can I get a chocolate chip muffin and a medium hot chocolate please." I said to the cashier at the coffee shop.

"That'll be $6.79 please." They replied.

I handed them my money, got my food and sat down in a corner seat. I ate my muffin and read until I looked up and saw her walking into the store.

As if I couldn't be more embarrassed about yesterday the universe has made me see her again today. My life sucks. I'm going to die. Maybe I'll just shrivel up and turn to dust here.

I tried hiding my face with my book. But alas, she still saw me, she smiled and started walking towards my table. I put my book back up hoping that it could shield me from her view, but I knew she was still coming over here.

She sat down with her drink, I gave an awkward smile and put down my book as she sat across from me smirking.

"It's funny seeing you here when your doctor specifically said for you to rest." She said, still smirking.

"Umm yeah I was just uhh getting fresh air." I said, sounding as sick as ever.

"Yes because you sound totally fine enough to be out of bed." She replied.

I didn't know how respond so I didn't, instead I took a sip of my hot chocolate, she took a sip of her drink too.

"You know I could drop you off at home if you need me too, you should go to bed." She said.

"No no, it's fine, really I'm fine." I said.

"Last time you said you fainted in my lap." She replied.

"Are you trying to kidnap me? for all I know you could be stalking me, I mean how else could you know I was here." I said trying to steer the topic away from last night.

She laughed and replied with, "I live near here and just wanted coffee, if I wanted to kidnap you I would've done it yesterday when I took you to the hospital."

"Fine take me home then, but near my house, I don't want a stranger knowing where I live," I said picking up my trash and book to leave.

She also picked up her stuff and started walking beside me. We left the coffee shop and she started leading us to her car. It was a black SUV, it looked really nice.

"So what do you work as to have this nice of a car?" I said trying to make some sort of conversation in the car.

"I work as a receptionist while going to school, the car was a gift from my parents when I graduated highschool, what's the way to your house?" She asked.

"Oh ok that's nice." I said while pointing her in the directions towards my apartment.

"Drop me off here." I said when we passed the park that's a two minute walk from my house.

"Ok." She said, pulling over.

"Thank you for driving me." I said, getting out of the car.

"Your welcome, and here take my number in case you need anything." She replied.

We exchanged numbers and I walked home. When I got home I ate the soup, fed the cat, finished my assignments, and watched tv in bed all in time for Reyna to come home with dinner.

Hi! I hope whoever reads this liked this chapter and I'm kind of surprised I did this twice in one day so yeah.
Have a good day!

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