Chapter 21

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"So, uhm how are you?" I tried to start with a light hearted conversation.

"I'm ok, I think. I just can't stop thinking about you." Ivy replied.

"Oh." I didn't know how to respond.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before I got frustrated, spikes of anger and sadness bubbled in me, causing me to speak. "Why did you have to lie?"

"I never wanted to, you have to believe that. I just didn't want you getting caught up in all that." She explained.

"You could've told me." I sighed as my voice broke.

"I-I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to do ok? I really like you and I didn't want that to compromise my case." She stuttered as tears welled in both our eyes.

"So you just lied?" I raised my voice a bit.

"Yeah I didn't want to but I had to Priya, it was for my job, can't you understand that!?" She asked while raising her voice as well.

"Yeah I can't but Ravi told me and Isaac the truth so why didn't you!?" I questioned.

"Because, no one was supposed to know me! If I was compromised the whole operation would go up in flames!" She explained.

"And if Ravi was compromised it wouldn't have?" I asked.

"Yes but not as badly, he was a friend that they spent years building trust with, he could've convinced them differently if they found out about you being his sister or Isaac being his boyfriend or some bullshit about him being a cop. They would've brushed it off since their stupid. But I was a stranger, they didn't know me! They wouldn't have cared to try and let me convince them I'm not a cop!" She said.

"And I'm sorry that you were put in that position but I deserved to know what I was getting into." I sighed as tear threatened to spill from my eyes.

"I know, your right and I'm sorry."

"I just can't help but think that you weren't trying to use me for an advantage or something in your case." Tears ran down my face.

"No no, that's not it at all ok? I only ever wanted to be with you, I like you so much, I always did, there was only ever you, only you." She muttered as she wiped my tears from my face when we came to a stop from our walking.

"You hurt me though, you hurt me so badly, I'm hurting so badly right now." I cried.

"I know, I know and I'm so so sorry, I'll spend as long as I need to say how sorry I am." She replied as tears came down her face too.

We ended up sitting at a bench near the bar. We were both crying by now, trying to comfort each other. I found myself leaning towards her despite all that's happened. I buried my head in the crook of her neck and cried while she cried with her chin resting on the top of mine.

We stayed like that for a while before I moved away from her, she looked confused at first but soon accepted it. I thought that now was a good time to continue the conversation. "Tell me everything."

"What would you like to know?" she asked.

"I'm guessing you don't go to school nor are you a secretary?" I questioned.

"No." She shook her head.

"How long have you been a detective and how long have you lived here?" I asked.

"I've been a detective for three years now, since I was twenty-three. I've lived here for 7 months, just one month before I met you. The car, apartment and motorcycle I paid for myself, not my parents. Everything I told you about my family is true. I have three work friends, Ravi, Cleo and Dean. And half the times I went to the bar was me making excuses to my boss to be on the case more so I could see you." She explained more then I asked.

"Oh, ok." I was surprised by how much she told me.

"I can't fix what I did but I can try my best to move past it and start anew with you, no secrets." She reached for my hands.

"I-I don't know." I sighed.

"Please, I promise I'll never hurt you as badly ever again." She said desperately.

"Fine but no lies and we'll start completely new ok?" I agreed hesitantly.

"I promise, I'm so sorry for everything." She smiled softly.

"It's ok." I said hesitantly.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked.

"On the cheek." I said sternly.

On normal occasions she probably would've made a joke out of that, but this time she just smiled and leaned towards my face. She kissed my cheek with as much love she could give and whispered in my ear. "There's only you, not the job, not my boss, just you."

I smiled as we intertwined our hands and walked back to the car. I knew the next couple of weeks would be awkward but I'd get through it. I knew how tired we both were.

The last six months had been so eventful with my family, Ivy and all this drama. I really need a long nap, preferably with Ivy next to me.

When we reached my car Ivy faced me and turned to talk to me, "Do you wanna stay at my house tonight?" She asked.

"I'm sorry but we just met, you haven't even taken me out for a date. I just learned your last name now, Ivana Ortega." I said obliviously.

She laughed before answering. "Ok then, how about we go out tomorrow for coffee, at the same shop?" She asked.

"I have no idea what 'same shop' your talking about." I tried not to grin.

"It's a date." She smiled.

"It's a date." I confirmed, smiling back at her.

I got in my car and watched Ivy get in hers before leaving the parking lot. I drove home feeling less tense then before. It started to snow but I assumed it would since it's December.

Hiii! I feel like I kinda rushed the whole fight/reconciliation but I truly cannot write about actual emotions. Also if you think that forgiveness was given to quickly I rly cannot do slow burn and angst so yeah. Anyways bye bye!
Have a good day!

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