Chapter 16

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When I woke up in the morning I looked up beside me to see Ivy still asleep. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, I put some water and Advil on the nightstand for her and I started to make breakfast. Soon after I heard shuffling in the bedroom. About five minutes later Ivy came out of the bathroom.

"My head is killing me." She whined.

"Yeah I assumed it would be." I replied.

"So um what're you making?" She asked awkwardly.

"Waffles and we need to talk so sit down." I said.

"Uh yeah ok." She replied.

I set both plates of waffles on the table before speaking, "Why'd you bail on our date?"

"I told you, I had to do something for my boss." She said.

"You had to go out drinking for your boss?" I questioned.

"He had some clients he wanted to impress so he took me with him, I really didn't want to miss the date." She replied softly.

"Then why have you been so distant? You leave me on read, your constantly working and you get randomly upset all the time." I said.

She reached over the table and held my hand and spoke,"I never meant to make you feel that way, work's just really been stressing me out and I've taken it out on you, I know it's not fair and I'm sorry. I promise we'll spend the whole day doing whatever you want."

"Whatever I want?" I replied.

"Whatever you want." She squeezed my hand.

"Ok, I want to....go to the water park with all my friends today so they can properly meet you." I said.

"Ok, how many people?" She asked.

"Umm, Jen, Callum, Andie, Isaac, Ravi, Reyna, and Noor." I counted on my fingers,"So 7 of them which means 9 of us in total." I replied.

"Ok." She smiled.

I texted them all around 9ish and we were all on our way there around 11ish. We got there at 11:45am and got inside the park at 12pm. Callum, Noor and Reyna had already parted from us towards the slides on the right side.

Jen and Andie went off to the pool/bar thingy and Isaac and Ravi went to the slides on the left side. Ivy and I decided to follow Jen and Andie.

We all got drinks and lounged around. Ivy and Jen seemed to be getting along well, I think they were talking about cars or something on the other side of the pool.

"Have you guys actually started dating?" I asked Andie.

"No, I'm too scared to ask what we are, I mean we kiss, we cuddle, we sit on each others laps, and we go out just the two of us but she hasn't said anything yet." They replied sadly while looking over at Jen.

"Just ask her, you'll go crazy never knowing." I said.

"Yeah your right, wanna go on the tube ride?" They asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied and told Ivy and Jen we were leaving.

We got in line for the tube ride and soon after everyone had kind of just met up there, we decided to get one big tube instead and ride on that.

When we got in Callum almost slipped out, when we were going down everyone kept letting go of the handles to see who might fall out but no one did. After the ride we decided to just lay on the grass and eat.

"Don't you think you want to introduce Ravi and Ivy?" Isaac asked.

"Yeah I should." I replied.

"Hey Ravi, I want you to actually meet Ivy." I said.

"Yeah sure." He replied and got up.

"Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Ravi, Priya's brother." Ravi said to Ivy and shook her hand.

"Hi I'm Ivy, Priya's girlfriend." Ivy replied.

This felt really awkward for a couple of minutes before they actually started to talk, they talked about me and Isaac weirdly enough.

While they talked Jen, Andie, Isaac, and I ate food and Reyna, Noor and Callum argued over who's barbecuing right, but it was mainly Reyna and Noor getting mad at Callum for his barbecuing skill or rather his lack there of.

It was nice to be out with all the people I love, but it would've been nice for Jaspreet, Aman and Esha to have been here too. I could've invited them but things with my family still feel tense, even if it's the ones who are nice to me.

Around 5pm we left the water park and went back to Callum's house, he was like the only one with non homophobic parents which is kinda ironic since he's also one of the only non-queer ones except for Noor.

His parents were also rich so he had a proper house we could all sleepover in.

There were five rooms in his house. Jen and Andie shared, Isaac and Ravi shared, Ivy and I shared, and Callum and Noor got their own rooms.

We all were pretty tired so we ordered takeout from a pasta restaurant near his house, we ate while watching a horror movie. Ivy started cuddling me halfway through the movie, I giggled at the thought of her being scared.

"Don't laugh at me, it's actually scary." She pouted.

"Is it thought?" I replied.

"It is." Isaac cut in while clinging to Ravi.

"It's really not." Jen and Andie said in unison but they were still cuddling.

"Watching you guys makes me lonely." Reyna stated.

"It does." Callum pouted.

We all laughed and talked our way through the rest of the movie before parting ways to our rooms.

"If anyone does the dirty in any of my guest bedrooms I will rip your heads off ok?" Callum threatened.

Yes sir."
"No promises."
We all said simultaneously.

Callum glared at Isaac after he said 'no promises' to which Isaac smirked and went inside the bedroom. We all finally got in our rooms and got settled down.

"Thanks for meeting my friend." I said.

"It wasn't bad, I had fun, Jen's really nice and so are the rest of them." Ivy replied.

"Ok, that's good." I said.

"Cmon let's sleep." Ivy replied.

"Ok, goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight babe." She replied.

We fell asleep while cuddling after she stroked my hair a couple times.

Hiiii! I feel like I always end this with her sleeping oops. Anyways I also feel like I'm just making them do like side quests but I promise there'll be stuff soon. And if your wondering why the chapters are a bit shorter is because there kind of supposed to be filler chapters in a way ig. Anyways bye bye!
Have a good day!

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