"Keep pushing him and I'll have to take you to a closet again." Dante huskily whispered into my ear, making me giggle. He nipped lightly at my ear and nudged my hickie.

"Dante! Belladonna! Principals office now!" A teacher bellowed at us. Everyone froze and looked at us as I got off of Dante's lap. Dante and I stood before going to the principals office hand in hand.

Dante knocked on the door and the principals voice bellowed through. "Enter!" He called.

We walked in to find my mother, Dante's parents and Roxie in here. Oh this does not look good.

"Sit." The principal ordered and Dante stood while I took the only seat left. He held my hand and glared hard at Roxie. "Do you know why you are here?"

"Nothing comes to mind." Dante said.

"How about the tattoos? The sex in school closets? Or the class cutting? Ever since you two got together it has been nothing, but trouble and if it weren't for Roxie here, we would never had found out." I now glared at Roxie while she smirked eviliy at me.

'Hide them, the tats.' Dante said to me through the bond we had and I willed the tattoo mark to be hidden.

"What tattoos?" Dante asked as he held up his wrists. They were clear, but if I looked close enough I could see the mark because I'm a witch.

"They were...I saw them on your wrists."

"Sir, my girlfriend and I do not have tattoos." He said.

"Ok, how about the sex?"

"Your proof?"

"CCTV." He went onto his computer and I lightly chuckled as I used my techopath powers to wipe the CCTV hard drive of anything that had me and Dante in. I twirled my fingers and watched the files get wiped. The principal tried to find them, but nothing and he felt silly. "They were just here."

"Lies and rumours as well." Dante dismissed.

"The class cutting?"

"I've been sick." I quickly admitted.

"Once a day?"

"I...have to take medicine at the same time each day." I lied. Well I did need medicine, it was Dante and it was sex. "I'm better now, but I would be deathly sick."

"Hmmm, there's no record..." I waved my hand around again and made a doctor's note appear on my file to say that I had contracted a severe case of a type of flu that had me taking medications to stop dehydration, nausea, energy loss and headaches. "Oh, here it is." The principal now looked like he felt like an idiot.

"As you can see you have taken the word of a jealous and bitter young girl who doesn't understand that I am in love with Belladonna, not her and so she has to spin vicious and haneous lies to punish us for falling in love."

"No! That's a lie!"

"Oh yeah? I remember you threatening me in the science corridor that if I didn't leave Dante alone and let you have him like he was an object, that you'd hurt me." I started to say as I put that file into the CCTV files on the computer. "Then when I told you that I loved Dante and would not leave, you punch me and pushed me before warning me again that Dante was yours." I said and Roxie looked at me with shock on her face.

"That's a lie!"

"Then why is it here?" The principal asked as he showed us the video I'd made in my mind. I smiled slyly at her. "I see now that believing Roxie was a bad idea and for that I am sorry, you may return to class without any punishment, but as for you Roxie, I am giving you 2 weeks suspention for punching another student and then when you get back, two more weeks detention where you will catch up on your missed classes, is that understood?"

"But sir-"

"Is that understood?"

"Yes." She grumbled before leaving. Dante and I got up to leave, followed by our parents.

"You used magic." My mother hissed at me.

"Yeah, and?"

"So all of that is true?" She asked.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"The tattoo?"

"Claiming mark." I said as I quickly showed her the mark before hiding it again.

"The sex?" She whispered and I went red.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"The class cutting?"

"That's due to the former." I mumbled and my mother looked at me with a look of pure disappointment and surprise.

"I don't know who you are anymore."

"I'm Belladonna and I'm a kickass witch who is mated to a hot vampire." I told her and my mother sighed at me.

"I want you home, now and I forbid you from seeing that boy."

"I'd like to see you try." My mother grabbed my arm and tried to control me, but I just shoved her arm off before pushing her down the hall. She landed and looked at me with anger.

"You are such a disappointment."

"I don't care. I'm not going to be controlled by you anymore. Unless you need to see me as your high priestess, I never want to see you again. I thought you loved me, but you just wanted to control me and my magic, well no more. Be gone!" I ordered her and she glared at me before storming off.

I was seething with anger and hurt, but calmed down when Dante snaked his arms around my waist to pull me close. “Calm love.” He whispered to me and pulled me to him.

“She had no right.” I seethed.

“She’s just trying to protect you.”

“Yeah, from the one person who makes me happy and makes me who I am.” I sighed.

“It is un-natural for a witch to be with a vampire.”

“Well this witch doesn’t care.” I sighed. “And how dare that little retch bring up things about us to the principal for gods sake.”

“She got what was coming to her.”

“We’ll see you kids at home; try not to get into any more trouble.” Nicu told us before leaving with Antoinette.

“I don’t know how much more I can take of Roxie, my mother or anyone else who keeps trying to come between us.”

“I love you too much to let anyone or anything stand between us. We are too close for that.” He told me.

“Good, I’m glad. Let’s go to class.”

Roxie’s POV

How dare that little witch humiliate me in front of the principal? How dare she cause me to be punished? She was the one who needed to be punished. She took everything from her. She took Dante, her popularity, her chance at forever and her reputation.

She had read up on the stories of the first ever witch and vampire pairing. She knew that there was a reason behind why there wasn’t many of these pairings. I knew that it was my duty as a vampire to tell the council of this pairing. I needed to warn them. That’s what I would do, that’s how I would punish Belladonna for everything and they may even kill her, which brings a sort of warmth to my cold soul.

It is with this plan in mind that I get into my car and drive to the supreme high council’s castle a couple of states over. I have nothing, but time.

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