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"How are you feeling? You called out of work today?" I asked as I crawled onto the bed. I had just taken Avery to school after she wished Melinda a happy birthday. My love wasn't in a good mood and it made me sad because of what she told me yesterday.

I wanted her to feel safe, and as if she had a support system. The way her family treats her disgusts me, so today I had formulated a surprise for her.

"I'm okay. Amelia told me take the day off for my birthday. I just want to sleep."

"No, baby. You're going to get up because I made you a nail appointment and you don't even have to go anywhere. She's going to come here."

"For real?" She asked with big eyes as she sat up. I nodded and watched as she grinned before pulling me into her arms.

"Thank you." I smiled as I hugged her back, inhaling her scent. She smelled so good all the time, I just couldn't get enough. I was completely obsessed with my lover and I just wanted to live in her skin.

She didn't seem to mind my clinginess, but tonight I hoped and prayed that she would allow me to replace her promise ring with an engagement ring. I was ready, and I prayed she was too. It was time I gave her the foundation that she deserved.

I just prayed she let me.


"Happy birthday, sexy! Do you have any plans?" Amelia stated on the phone. I had just finished getting my nails done, Maya cooking us some lunch as I sat on the counter. My toes were painted off white and my short tips matched.

"I think Maya has a secret plan. She paid for my nails to get done and I had a fresh wig installed-"

"And it looks absolutely beautiful. Burgundy is your color, mate."

"Thanks girl."

"Hey Amelia." Maya stated as she stirred my Mac and cheese.

"Hey sista-"

"Ew. Don't ever say that again." Maya chuckled causing me to giggle as Amelia rolled her eyes. We spoke a little longer and I hung up, Maya walking over and feeding me some Mac and cheese.

"How are you feeling, baby?" She asked.

"I'm better. Thank you. Like seriously, Maya."

"For what?" She asked as she stared into my eyes with her deep brown ones. I smiled and rubbed her cheek causing her to fall into my touch as she placed the now empty bowl down.

"For everything. You're always here for me and it makes me wonder if I'm doing enough for you. You never complain about anything and I'm afraid you're just silently plotting to like leave-"

"What?! It's the opposite, really. I'm content because you're content. I want to be here for you, Melinda. In any way possible."

"But you matter too." I sighed. Maya smiled and kissed the palm of my hand before massaging my fingers, the diamond promise ring shining under the light. We both stared down at it, her fingers caressing it as well as tracing the finger tattoo that I had of Avery's name.

"You and Avery are so important to me. You've consumed me. I have a good career, a beautiful woman that I lay down with every night, and it's an honor to help you with Avery. I have nothing to complain about. I have everything I want- well almost."

"Almost?" I asked causing her eyes to meet mine as she smirked.

"I want the white picket fence and our kids running around on the grass in our front yard. I want the big house and the matching rings, and dates and to make love quietly so we don't wake our babies up. I want that soft life, and I want it with you."

"I want that too.." I sniffed causing her to wipe the stray tear that fell down my cheek.

"And we will. Now..we have reservations tonight, and I bought you a dress. I hid it in the guest room closet-"

"Oh I knew you were being sneaky!" I giggled as I slapped her chest causing her to smirk while rolling her eyes.

"Oh hush and go get dressed."

"Are you dressed?" I heard Maya ask. I swallowed hard and looked in the mirror again, the off-shoulder cocktail gown holding my body tightly. It was white with glitter shimmering through the fabric. It had an open thigh which exposed my legs that sat in diamond studded heels. I ended up doing my own makeup which was smoky, but just enough to still have that natural touch to it.


"Let me see you, beautiful." Maya said from behind the guest bedroom door. I walked over and slowly opened it, Maya's eyes wide as she looked me up and down. I felt my cheeks heat up as she slowly walked over in her royal blue velvet suit. She had a tiara in her hand and it made my eyes widen even more.

"You look so beautiful," I watched as her eyes flooded with tears while staring at me and it caused me to gasp as my own tears welled in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her and she smiled widely as a tear fell down her face.

"Because I managed to get myself a queen, that's why. Here..for the birthday woman." She breathed as she walked closer, placing the tiara on top of my head. My hair was in drop curls that touched my shoulders, the tiara sitting perfectly on top. Her hand found my face and she caressed my cheek, slowly leaning in and leaving the sweetest, most heavenly peck on my lips.

"I love you.."

"I love you, Maya."

Maya walked me downstairs and I sighed, looking around the quiet living room. Maya said that she had Avery taken care of for the night so I didn't have to worry about babysitting. We walked outside and I slipped into the Uber, Maya's arms wrapped around me as she sat next to me. She was so touchy, kissing my neck and inhaling my perfume the entire ride.

"This is your dads restaurant." I gasped as we got out of the car. The restaurant had a velvet rope in the front as well as a bouncer. There were gold and white balloons in the front and it made my eyes well with tears.

"Did you..did you throw me a party?" I sniffed.

"Surprise, baby." Maya grinned causing me to squeal as I wrapped my arms around her neck. She hugged me back before forcing me to take a couple of pictures in front of the restaurant before taking my hand and guiding me inside.

"Surprise!" Everyone screamed, Amelia being the loudest as she jumped up and down. I started sobbing as I turned around to hide my face, everyone cooing as a few arms wrapped around me.

"Oh my God, are you serious?! All of this for me?!" I cried as I turned back around, nearly having a heart attack as I saw Maya on one knee while everyone had their cameras out.

"I couldn't wait any longer. You turning around just gave me the opportunity to give you the best surprise yet. I told you this morning that I almost had everything that I wanted. It was because I already made the decision in my head that I wanted to marry you as soon as possible. The promise turned into a commitment that I'm willing to take with you, Melinda. I already told miss Avery over here-" Maya grinned as Avery walked up to her with a blue velvet jewelry box causing me to cover my mouth.

"-that I would get down on one knee and finally give you every single planet, every single star in the galaxy. I don't care how long it's been since we met, because the moment I saw those cat like eyes I just knew it was you. No more promises, just action. Will you marry me?"

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