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"Okay, okay..a little better. It's giving..librarian? Sexy teacher?" Mrs. White chuckled awkwardly as I twisted around. I sighed and looked at her with exhausted eyes and she smiled kindly. I was in a pencil skirt and a plain button down blouse. I had on black stockings and some close toed heels that were literally blistering my ankles.

"I tried."

"I know, darling. It's not all bad. Though...lose the stockings. It makes you look like those church ladies with the big hats." She laughed at her own joke and I blushed while shaking my head in embarrassment.

"Where's the shirt from?"

"It's Calvin Klein." I stated in hopes it'll give me some brownie points. She let out a laugh with a quirked eyebrow, but her smile faltered once she saw I was serious.

"Erm..it's nice I mean..vintage but nice. Okay, come here okay." She sighed as she leaned against her desk while taking off her glasses. I slowly walked over and she smiled while analyzing my face before taking off my glasses.

"The makeup isn't too bad. You just need some lipstick, a nice plum shade will go with your color. Here.." She pulled out a gloss that read Fenty Beauty and started to apply it to my lips.

"Now tap your lips together, but don't rub."

I obeyed and she smiled while nodding before looking at my hair. Her hands slowly found the back of my head and released my bun causing me to gasp.

"No, my hair is absolutely-"

"Gorgeous. Like a lions mane. My wife is black, you know that?"


"Of course you do. TMZ made sure everyone knew. Anyway, I know a few things to do. I can finesse you in five minutes. Okay? Just to give you a taste of the potential that I know you have. We have a huge meeting today with a whole bunch of new people, and first impression is important. Here..I'll start with two crown braids and then I'll fluff your curls for your ponytail."

"Mrs. White-"

"Aht. No complaining. I don't do these things for people so do not deny me." Mrs. White started to part my hair with a pen, both of us being the same height so it wasn't too much of an issue. She started to braid my hair and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to feel the nurture that I never got as a child.

Considering I was the only one in my family that was "black", my mom never really put in much effort to learn about my culture. Her late husband was also Puerto Rican, all of my siblings being his child. I may be the second youngest, but I was the most neglected for being a negrita. I was the only one with a different father, my mother and step father being separated around that time which resulted in the conception of me.

My father has a wife and kids that don't claim me as apart of their family. He was straight from Haiti, him and my mother meeting at her old job as a case coordinator. I've only met him twice, but after my sixth birthday he just ghosted me.

As most fathers do, unfortunately.

My older sisters and brother tortured me. They used to make fun of my hair and my skin and my mother just let them, only interjecting when I started to fight back. They used to cut my hair when I was asleep, and call me a monkey even though they were only a few shades lighter than me.

My mother used to perm my hair and have the stylists burn my scalp til I was crying and scabbed up since she couldn't handle it. I would cry and cry, begging her to stop sending me to the salon but her response was that beauty requires pain sometimes.

"How pretty..look at that. You're a whole new person. Leave the back out just like this. Your coils are gorgeous." Mrs. White complimented as she handed me the mirror. I looked at it and nearly squealed from shock at the difference the hairstyle made to my face.

"Now imagine this look in a black strapless dress. With your shape? An absolute jaw dropper."

"Mrs. White I can't even begin to say-"

"Oh rubbish. This was nothing. Remember your task for this weekend is to go shopping with my credit card. Get your daughter a few things, too. She's a beauty just like you."

"How did you-"

"My sweet Cam is in the same class as her. Though, both Casey and I tend to work late so our nanny picks her up. She's the chubby red head with freckles. Enough, though. Let's get to this meeting and make some money!"

"If everyone can please just sign this sheet here with your name and credentials!" I shouted amongst the loud voices that took over the waiting room. People formed a line in front of me and signed in for the meeting. There were so many artists, new and old. They were ready to start planning for the gallery opening. This meeting is giving them the opportunity to impress Mrs. White with their projected so she can decide whether or not their pieces can be portrayed at the Gala.

"Well well..if it isn't Miss Succulent?" My head shot up from the paper and met the beaming brown eyes that made my stomach churn with sudden desire. She smirked at me as I continued to stare at her, her eyes never leaving mine as she grabbed the pen from my frozen hand and signed in.

"Good to see you again, beautiful. Glad to know we'll be working together." She winked before handing me the clipboard and walking to her seat. She was the last person to sign and I looked down while biting my lip.

Maya Sterling.

I looked over at Mrs White who smiled and nodded for us to start the meeting. I walked over to her with shaky hands and sat down in my seat. My thoughts were racing and I felt eyes on the side of my face but I kept my focus on my notepad.

We started to watch the presentations, each artists having their own style which was really amazing. There was one artist who only used red and white paint to create different pieces, Mrs. White immediately saying yes. Luckily it was only staff and each artist walking in for their turn, so no one got rejected in front of the other.

The last person walked in and I looked up, Maya's eyes immediately meeting mine causing me to look away awkwardly.

"You alright?" Mrs White asked as I shifted in my seat and I nodded, before looking up at her artwork. My lips went dry as I saw the different pieces of all types of women in utter desire, some being on canvas and others being hand made sculptures.

"My name is Maya Sterling, pronouns she, them, he, and where I'm from they called me the Orgasm catcher. These are all real muses. Some were models, others were images etched in my brain from my own..personal dealings." Her eyes met mine and I gasped quietly before looking down at my notepad.

"If I may ask..what inspired your style? I also notice a nice pattern here. Different body shapes and sizes." Mrs. White asked causing me to look up at Maya for her response. She licked her lips and smiled before looking at Mrs White who grinned impressively.

"I love women. All types. That's my muse. I love to see them in pleasure. The faces they make, the noises that come from their lips when they finally reach that peak..especially succulent women."

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