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Lol I cried writing this so if there's errors im srry.


"How fucking dare that stupid fucking bastard come over here and try to play daddy?! After all these fùcking years?! You fùcking dirty bum ass piece of shit! Fuck you!" I heard Melinda yell from the stage as I walked toward Casey.

"Here, you're going to go with Auntie Amy and Casey, okay? Mommy is upset but when mommy calms down she will call you okay? She loves you very much." I whispered in Avery's ear as I rocked her back and forth. She nodded while looking up at me with sad eyes and I handed her over to Casey since Amelia was holding her sleeping daughter.

"I love you Maya.." Avery sighed before laying her head on Casey's shoulder. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest from the young girls world and I blew her a kiss causing her to grin and hide her face in Casey's neck as they started to walk out of the building.

Melinda's face was blood red as she continued to curse him out, slapping him in his face a few times before I grabbed her.

"Hey, hey calm down baby. Calm down-"

"Fuck this stupid goofy ass piece of shit! Don't fucking tell me to calm down! Fuck you!" Melinda growled toward him as she started to swing her arms around but I was holding her so tightly that I nearly lifted her from the ground.

"I think you should go." I hissed at him and he scoffed before shooting me a snare.

"And who the fuck are you-"

"None of your business you fucking bum! How the fuck did you even know she was here?! Are you stalking- oh hell no! PUTO MADRE! I'm calling the fùcking cops!" Melinda was literally vibrating with anger in my arms as she continued to scream until her voice was hoarse.

"Fuck you, bitch! It's none of your business how I found out she was here! Don't nobody care about you-"

"Shut the fuck up! Both of you!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the auditorium. Melinda was fuming, her breathing unstable as I held her to my body. Melinda sobbed causing me to look up at him as he laughed while spitting on the ground.

"Leave my daughter alone, Tyler. Go tend to your own! I never want to see you again or else I'm getting a restraining order!" Melinda yelled.

"On what cause? I'm an attorney, remember? What could you possibly say to keep my daughter from me?"

"She's not your daughter you BASTARD!" She yelled as she threw her other shoe at him, clocking him in the head.

"Now I can get you arrested for assault."

"Melinda let's go-"

"Listen here. I don't know what sneaky shit you're planning, but understand that it won't work! I know people! Powerful people! Fùcking pendejo. Let's go, Maya before I kill the bastard."

"I'll see you in court, youngin! Remember I used to call you that?!"

Melinda stopped in her tracks and I groaned, grabbing her and lifting her over my shoulder as she started to scream in creole toward him. I wanted to kill him my damn self, but I knew that I needed to focus on her and Avery first.

"Mama, calm down, okay? Calm down. We're gonna go home and-MELINDA NO!" It was too late as she busted the car windows open with her fists, smashing the windshield open as the car alarm started to go off.

"How did you even know it was his?"

"The narcissist has his birthday as the license plate." She panted as she walked over with bloody fists. I shook my head and opened my car door for her before getting in the other side.

"YOU STUPID BITCH!" I heard him yell as I drove off, shaking my head. Melinda was still going off in the passengers seat, cursing in Spanish and saying things that I couldn't really understand.

"I know, baby I know..we're almost home-"

"My poor fucking baby. He got her fucking hopes up knowing damn well he's only doing this just because he can. Fuck!" She growled as she kicked the dashboard.

"We're going to my house, okay?"


"Okay baby, let me lay you down okay? It's gonna be okay." Melinda was silent for the rest of the ride home and I knew it was because she was shutting down. The adrenaline was gone and she was staring into space. I had to carry her from the car because she wouldn't budge.

I never knew how bad her temper could get, but seeing it showed me that she truly has a lot inside that she's still angry about and seeing him caused it to resurface.

I placed her on the couch and bent down, taking off her now broken heels and tossing them to the side. I leaned down and kissed her knees before standing up to grab some water for us. I grabbed two bottles from the fridge, turning around and yelping out of fear as Melinda stood against the counter.


"Do you have alcohol? I want to drink." She grumbled as she wiped the stray tears from her face.

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Fine. I'll fucking look myself." She hissed as she walked over to my cabinets. She opened it and grabbed the first bottle she could find, popping it open and taking a large gulp before shuddering.


"Don't. I've embarrassed myself enough."

"You destroyed his car with your fists."

"Yeah, sorry." She scoffed before taking another swing. I sighed and stood next to her as I grabbed the bottle and took a swing for myself.

"Seems like we both have demons, huh?" I asked as I took another swing.


"What did he mean when he called you youngin?"

"That was his nickname for me when I was a child."

"He knew you as a child?"

"We all grew up together. He was my brothers best friend. He groomed me, promised me things and then got me pregnant and left."

"I don't think that's all that happened, baby. But if you don't want to tell me-"

"I'm tired of telling. I am tired of telling because it's not going to change anything. I love my daughter, okay? I've sacrificed..for my daughter. I did the damn mother thing! So why can't he just leave me alone?! Leave her alone? Im her parent. Im more of a father to her than he will ever be!" She yelled. I nodded, showing her that I was listening and she huffed as the tears streamed down her face.

"He knew my mom and I didn't get along. He used it against me. He promised to get a house and to take me with him and we would be free from all of the arguing and me getting abused. Everyone abused me. Every one and he used it to his advantage. He took advantage of me because he knew I needed an escape. Except he fucked up! He did! I was an honor student. And I graduated PREGNANT because he fucked me when I was passed out drunk knowing he wouldn't get it any other way-"

"He did WHAT?!"

"Cats out the bag, right?" She laughed humorlessly before gulping down half of the bottle.

"I was seventeen. He was twenty six! He couldn't get püssy anywhere else?! He just went ahead and fucked everything up for me!" She screamed before smashing the now empty bottle to the ground. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest, slumping down from exhaustion as she wailed, my own tears dripping down my face.

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