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For all the atheists or non believers, here's a content warning:: Prayer and mentions of God. ✝️



"Baby, you don't want to get up?" I asked as I shook her shoulder gently. Melinda just kept staring into space, her eyes blank as she breathed slowly. It was early in the morning, both of us going to bed after I held her while she cried.

"Mel, come on..don't let him do this to you..let's go outside and get some air-"

"I don't want to.." She whined quietly, her voice hoarse as the tears started to stream down her bare face. I sighed and slowly laid down next to her before pulling her to my chest.

"I just want to lay down. Can you lay with me?" She asked quietly.

"Of course. But you have to get up eventually. Don't let him take away anymore of your joy. He will be dealt with. Give yourself some grace, chéri."

"What if he really takes her away?"

"No one will allow that, especially Amelia. She has connections in every place on this earth and she will vouch for you, and so will I."

"You promise?" She asked as she slowly sat up, her hair wild as her half naked body shined under the sunlight that spilt into the room from the window.

"Yeah, baby. I promise. How about we call Avery on the phone, and then we go and get some brunch? My treat."

"Alright." She sighed as she grabbed her phone, FaceTiming Amelia's number. I analyzed her beautiful face as she stared at the camera, a smile immediately lighting up her face as her daughter greeted her.

"Hi mama! Are you feeling better?" Avery asked through the phone.

"Much better now that I see your pretty face. How are you feeling, princess? I'm sorry I didn't get to say bye to you."

"It's okay, Maya said you'd call me so I waited and now you called me like she said! She's so good at keeping promises it's why I love her. Do you love her mommy? You should. I told her I love her yesterday like you said to do when I love someone."

I watched as the shock masked Melinda's face as she slowly looked up at me before looking back down at Avery. The butterflies fluttered in my stomach as Melinda looked up at me again but with a soft smile, the first one I've seen since yesterday.

"Yeah..I'm getting there." She breathed as she continued to look at me, causing me to grin as I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

I'm getting there too.

"Can I say hi to Maya?" Melinda nodded and handed me the phone with a smile and I grinned down as I waved into the camera.

"Hey, pretty girl. You having fun?"

"Yes! Thank you for helping mommy get happy again. I hate when she's sad. I didn't know he was a bad guy, I thought he was my daddy. This is why you never talk to strangers. Right Maya?"

"Right, Avery."

"Breakfast is ready!" We heard Casey yell in the background causing Avery to squeal.

"Okay, guys! I gotta go! I love you."

"We love you too, babygirl. Tell Amelia and Casey I said hello-"

"Are you feeling okay?" Amelia asked as she grabbed the phone from Avery as she ran off for breakfast.

"I'm better. Thank you, seriously."

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