Chapter Nineteen | Blue Lights

Start from the beginning

"I know. I am just going to miss having you in my life everyday." Leah confessed

"I am going to miss seeing you everyday too." I kissed her scar and pulled her into me. Then, this idea popped into my head. I leaned back and looked at Leah with a smile.

"Will you go out with me on a date?"

Leah smiled through her tears and nodded with a small laugh, "Yes, I would love to."

"But, there is a small twist." I said with amusement.

"What is it?" She said through a laugh, as her fingers combed through my wet hair.

"You have to pick the restaurant. You are the local here."

Leah laughed and kissed me, "Don't worry, I have the perfect place in mind." she told me through kisses.

We swam for a while then we headed for the villa. As we approached the house we still could hear the loud noises. The noises were now clear shouting. Someone was having a fight inside. I looked at Leah and she shrugged, but then when I heard Farah's voice I practically started running as Leah followed behind.

The moment I entered the open living room, I found Cole standing in one corner of the room, while Farah was standing on the other side. Craig, Kathy, Emilia and Leo were in the kitchen trying to stay out of whatever was going on between Farah and Cole.

When I stepped forward into the room, I saw Jane standing by the wall that was behind Farah. I looked at her and she pointed her head toward the both of them and mouthed, "I tried."

"What's going on?" I asked looking between Farah and Cole

"Ask him," Farah shouted in frustration before she walked straight up the stairs and disappeared to the other floors.

"I want to hear it from you," I shouted after her, and then I started following her.

"Really, man!" Cole threw his arms in the air in exasperation.

I looked at him over my shoulder as I climbed the stairs, "Really, Cole!"

Farah was in her room, sitting on the bed. Her eyes were full of unshed tears and she looked angry. The moment I entered the room, I closed the door behind me and sat next to her.

"What's going on?"

Farah looked at me as some tears fell down her cheeks, "He called Jennie."


"He drunk dialed his ex-girlfriend Jennie." Farah explained

Jennie was Cole's ex-girlfriend, they dated for six months before they decided to break up. Cole really liked her, but I knew for a fact that Cole has always been in love with Farah. That's why I couldn't understand why Cole would call her.

"What did Cole say?"

Farah stood up abruptly and started passing the room, "I don't want to hear sorry ass excuses." she said angrily.

"Farah! You can't just dismiss him. You need to hear him out. Things might not look like what they seem." I tried to calm her down and change her mind.

Farah stopped walking and looked at me, "You know very well how I feel about Jennie. You were there with us during these six months of hell. And, before that he was flirting with her all the time."

"I understand you. But, you need to talk to Cole. He is the only one capable of explaining things to you. You need to hear him out."

Farah sat next to me again and rested her head on my shoulder, "I will, but not now."

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